
Ch.28 Confronted and a Cat girl.

(28 Dec)

I was sitting in the library with my study group and recently Daphne and Coco have been a bit more affectionate than before and I am getting a bad feeling about it but I am too happy to think about the ulterior motive that they might have.

I think that the polyjuice plot had happened because Hermione has been absent from the classes and it is not like her to miss classes.

I was studying the spatial manipulation book and I found many interesting things. The spell can't really be blocked like an apparition and it doesn't have a range limit. The gate spell can transport people as well as magic.

Like if someone used some magic on you and you make a gate in front of you the magic will go through and the gate and will not hit you, it may be the answer to the killing curse.

But the problem I keep running into is that the gate isn't really stable it opens for a second and then corpses into it. And I am unable to understand why is that happening.

I was deep in my research when Victoria said "Harry what are you doing here?" I looked up and it was him. I thought why is he here?

I offered him a seat and said "Harry have a seat"

He looked at me and was a bit pissed and looked at Victoria and me and then said "I want to talk to the both of you."

Victoria said, "Talk then."

Harry said, "Not here." He then said, "Come with me."

We then looked at each other and I didn't know why he was acting weird. We then followed him outside. He took us to an empty corridor on the second floor

Victoria said, "What do you want to talk about?"

Harry said, "I want you to tell me what is going on between you two."

Victoria looked at him and said, "We are dating." and I just stared at her like 'you just ripped his heart out'. The guy hates me, and now he learns that I am dating her sister.

That is just brutal Coco. I was about to say something but Harry shouted "You stay out of this!" and Victoria didn't look pleased with Harry's tone.

Harry then looked at Victoria and said "You do know that he has another girlfriend right?"

Victoria said indifferently "Yes Daphne she is my best friend. But the important how do you know about us?"

Harry didn't say anything at first but then said "Draco told me."

And I asked "You talked to Draco Malfoy." he nodded and I asked, "And why did you believe him?"

Harry didn't have an answer but said "because he told me that's why."

Victoria asked, "How did you know about us Harry and I don't want any lies."

Harry shouted, "It doesn't matter how I know what matters is that you shouldn't be with someone like him!"

Victoria said gravely, "Mind you tone Harry."

Harry said "No I won't mind my tone! He is the reason why you have become more estranged from us to your own family. People call him the next Dark Lord. How can you be with such a person? I can't let you be with such a person."

Victoria said indifferently "Let me tell you why there is a wedge between me and my family. "Our" family treats you as the prodigal son while you were less talented than me in every way imaginable.

When you started to learn magic I was already brewing potions which were higher level for anyone our age. When you were busy playing in the sun I was working with mom learning the duties of a House head. Just in case."

She stopped and took a breath and sniffed and said " 'Just in Case' that you don't want to be the House head. I wasn't even the first choice. I was the contingency Harry all I had ever gotten from anyone is pity and fake praises, Harry.

You don't have to try and people liked you. You are worshipped as the saviour of the wizarding world, the one who vanquished the Dark Lord, while I had to work to get a fragment of recognition that you get.

Even when I thought that someone was genuinely interested in me they used me to get to you. Do you know how hard it was for me to be treated like that, to feel like I am never going to be your equal no matter what I do?

But it was not the case with him. He just saw me as Victoria and not as your sister. He accepts me the way I am and I accept him the way he is. And so I begged the hat to put me in Slytherin because I wanted to be with him and away from you Harry.

And let me tell you what this person has done for you. Do you remember when people were accusing you of being the Heir of Slytherin?

He outright dejected it and shut anyone up who thought otherwise. So don't you dare accuse him of being a bad person Harry and as far I am concerned I don't need approval as to who I can and can't be with."

Harry was shell shocked and said "I didn't know that is how you felt. I am sorry but I was just trying to protect you."

Victoria said "I don't need for you to protect me, Harry. I can do that myself." Victoria then left.

I wanted to say something to Harry to reassure him. But he didn't want to hear anything from me and just left in a fit.

Why is it that whenever there is a chance for them to be in the same team something happens and they both are left on the opposite sides? I feel that all of this is my fault but I can't blame myself for liking his sister. I just hope that they can reconcile but I would hate to see a family break apart.

(In Slytherin Common Room)

Victoria didn't come for dinner so I was a bit more concerned for her. I reached the common room as fast as I could and saw her on the sofa. She was just mindlessly staring at the firepit. I walked up to her and asked "Want some pudding?"

She sighed and said, "I am not hungry."

I said, "That's why I offered pudding and not food."

She turned around and took it and just ate and said "I don't want to talk about anything that had happened today."

I said, "What happened today?"

She just softly said, "Thank you."

I said "No need to thank me for anything. Now finish that pudding I have more for you to eat." We didn't talk about anything that night she just ate pudding and I just thought about her and Harry and their relation. Thinking if there is a way to fix it.

(The next day)

Victoria was still not in a talking mood, not even me she had requested some time in quiet so I sent an equally silent person to keep her company so that they can be together in silence. I would rather accompany her myself, but it somehow feels like it is best to give her some space now.

I also wished to visit Hermione because I wanted to see her in the cat form, that was basically one of the most important things many people would want to do in the Harry Potter universe, I mean how can you not?

I then walked into the Hospital wing As I entered hospital wing I walked up to Madam Pomfrey and asked: "Madam where is Hermione Granger I heard she is sick."

Madam Pomfrey said, "She is there." Then she remembered what had happened and said in a hurry and said "I can't let you go close to her. The disease is contagious. It's better if you stay away."

I asked "I will stay far away from her and will cover my nose and mouth. Just let me meet her."

She said "I don't think that is a good idea. You should just go."

I then said "Fine but at least give her my regards." she sighed in relief but the relief was short-lived I spotted a tail and said "Madam?" she nodded and I said, "Why does Hermione have a tail?"

Hermione then tried to hide it but I said "Hermione why do you have a tail?"

Madam said, "Nonsense there is no tail."

I said "No I definitely saw a waving tail. It was like that of a ginger cat." I grinned and said "Hermione cat's out of the bag now give up" and she got up and waved at me and I saw her and waved back, She looked cute by the way. But she looked like she was performing in the cat musical.

Madam said, "Try to be quiet and don't attract any attention, and keep this a secret."

I said in a hushed voice "I am will certainly try madam."

I then walked up to her and asked Hermione "Why are you in cat form and more importantly can I pet you?"

She said, "No!" and then she explained what had happened and I laughed and said "That is a hilarious joke, Hermeowny. Draco is the heir of Slytherin good one." She was now angry and sort of hissed at me

She then said, "Who do you think then it is?"

I said, "Have you suspected any other pureblood students in houses other than Slytherin?"

Hermeowny said, "No, we didn't think that any other House would do that."

I said "You could be wrong. While you are focused on one house the perpetrator could have been in another house this whole time, away from the prying eyes."

Hermeowny was surprised and said, "You think that is possible"

I said, "That's a paw-sibility." She didn't look happy.

I tried to sneak my hand to get in some pets but she shot my hand down and she said "No! I am not letting you pet me like a cat."

I said, "That's not nice, I just gave you a good insight into the predicament." I tried to sneak my hand.

She slapped it down and said "No!"

I said "Bad kitty, bad kitty" and I said, "So, I think I should be going now looks like it's time for your nap." I got a pillow thrown in my face.

When I was going I said, "I am coming again to visit you and next time I am bringing a ball of yarn."

She hissed and said, "Don't!"

I then said "Hermewony you are my friend you can come to in time of need. I will help you with anything." and she just hissed and I left laughing.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I would like to thank you for showing concerns about me I am very thankful for that. The test results showed that it is typhoid and not Dengue. So I kind of feel better right now and might be able to post chapters when I feel fine.

And also wanted to talk about some changes in previous chapters like the fight with Quirrel at the end of year 1 and some changes to Alyssa bell's history she will still be an American, her mother will still be an Oracle but her father's past will be a bit more mysterious for now.

I needed to change it because it sort of didn't fit well in the storyline I was going for.

I would like to say that please don't use any cuss words in the comments because web novel removes them. Use these symbols to complete those words *@#$

And I was thinking of a Title change to

HP: The Prince of Serpents.

HP: The Secret Heir.

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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