
Ch.12 So I might be a product of a ritual.

In the train compartment

"So Jon where will you go back to the Orphanage?" Ted asked the girls gave him a look like 'Realy'.

"I am going to stray on this side. Dumbledore has made some arrangements for me to stay here." I answered them.

"So, where is it that you are going to live?" Victoria asked.

"Ah, I don't know, Dumbledor only gave me the name and said to meet them at the Leaky Cauldron and from there they will take me to the accommodation," I lied there was no one at Leaky Cauldron.

"Make sure you write us letters you understand?" Olivia said.

I smiled and said, "Yeah, I will make sure of that."


We reached the king's cross station We all got off the train. I stretched and looked around and then Victoria took my arm and was dragging me. I said, "My, hand will come off, Victoria slow down, where are you taking me?"

She was dragging me and then she stopped in front of two people I just said "We really need to work on this Victoria. You can't just drag me like your bag." I dusted my robes and when I looked up I saw James and Lily Potter.

James had good height and had a bit of a gut doing his hair had some whites and he was wearing a sweater vest, plain blue shirt and brown trousers.

Lily didn't even look that old and was wearing a dress that was yellow and had a brown handbag.

I looked at them and James asked Victoria "Who is this young man Coco?"

I looked at Victoria and teasingly said "Coco?~"

Victoria was embarrassed said, "This is Jonathan, my friend, Jonathan these are my parents."

As soon as James heard my name he had a sour face immediately as he heard my name. He then looked at us Victoria was still holding on to me.

I said, "Hello, I am Jonathan I am your daughter's friend, it's nice to meet you guys." I offered my hand but James refuted and Victoria looked at James and Lily elbowed James and then he shook my hand.

"So you are Jonathan we have heard a lot of you from our daughter. So Jonathan where will you be staying?" Lily asked.

I smiled and said, "Headmaster has made some arrangements for me on this side so I will be fine."

"What are you doing here?" A voice came from behind.

I turned around and it was Harry, I said "Harry" I nodded and continued "I am meeting your parents" then I turned around and said, "It looks like your children are here Mrs Potter I would like to take my leave now."

I turned towards Victoria and said, " I will be going now coco. I will write you letters, okay." She hugged me

Lily looked at Victoria and then at me and said "Jonathan, her and Harry's birthday is in a month you must come." Victoria was happy but the two other guys were not.

I smiled and said, "Thank you Mrs Potter I will come. Okay, then Victoria I will meet you at your birthday party then."

I then left the station and took out the port key for the South Port Mansion. I said "South Port Mansion."

I was sucked and spat back at a different part of England. Fortunately, Nimbus was fine and Cotton was inside the robes undisturbed.


I dusted my clothes and got up and when I looked at the Manor gates with creepy vines and a little rust was forming on the gates, I opened the gates it was very squeaky and path to the Manor was made of Bluestone.

The walls were made of cobblestone which had algae stuck to it. It was 3 stories tall with 1065 Sq ft. in size it also included a garden and a small pond.

I walked up to the wooden oak double door and used my key to open the door when I opened it I thought I would find an old and dusty mansion but it was on contrary, it was well kept, though it did show some damage that damage didn't look like it was from wear and tear.

I walked inside the mansion and looked around and found a large portrait of an old man wearing green colour robes with a grey colour suit and he had a cane in his hand, but it wasn't like those magical portraits that talked it was a normal one it didn't talk.

I said, "Is anyone home?" I thought that there will be a house-elf and surprisingly there was a lady house-elf who came to aid she was wearing a clean looking toga.

She looked at me suspiciously and asked "Who are you? Why are you here?"

I said, "My name is Jonathan, I am the son of Emilia House". When I said who I was she gasped and started to cry she looked at the old man's portrait and said "The heir's son has finaly come home."

She came close to me and said, "Heir oh, how long have I been waiting for you to come." She looked happy.

I smiled and said "Thank you for this warm welcome. Now may I know your name please?"

She gasped again and said "Oh, heir please don't say please to me. I have been spending my life in hopes that I get to serve you one day."

She cried a bit I consoled her and promised never to use, please. She then said, "I am Jeely, I will serve Heir to my fullest of capabilities."

I then asked, "Why are there normal portraits instead of the talking one's?"

Jeely answered, "It's because the founders believed that once you pass on you should pass on there is no need for you to stay in the mortal world with these paintings."

I then thought that the founders of the family must be very elevated people to have such thoughts. I then asked, "So what if I wanted to ask some questions who should I ask?"

Jeely answered, "Heir should look into the Master's office it has a manual for how to run our business, our property holdings and there should also be a journal in the office in which it recorded events that occurred in this Mansion as well as others."

I then said, "Can you lead me to the office and take care of Nimbus."

She lead me to the office it was on the second floor on the right-wing it was the last room. I opened the room it has lots of bookshelves with a vault. In the centre was a pinewood desk.


I was sitting on the desk and was finding the manual and journal Jeely said it was in the top drawer but could only be opened by the master or Heir.

I looked at it and it had an engraving which was similar to the ring that I had I aligned the ring and the drawer opened it had the manual as well as the Journal.

I looked at the manual and found out that most of it was still made by crops and wines and it basically ran on autopilot, and I also found out why the vault was almost empty, it was because my mom made a big withdraw right after she went missing.

I read the journal and got the history lesson of the House Family and found that Fredric Gregory House was not really happy with my mom aligning herself with the light side and he said to my mom that it was going to cost us everything and it did.

I saw the events that had conspired in this Mansion. It said it was raided by Death Eaters and Fredric got killed so did many house-elves, and my mother was kidnapped by them.

And she returned 7 and a half months later pregnant with me and she had given premature birth and due to complications, she had died after my birth. It said my birthday was August 5 1980. It says I was then given to a muggle side because they thought I was a squib. I was sent to the Orphanage.

I knew that my mother was involved with some ritual and that is how I came to because I can't believe that psycho has a normal relationship with anyone or anything.

I then looked at the letter that Dubledor had given me and was contemplating as to whether to open it or not. What if she hated me?

I opened the letter there was a locket in it "

Dear son,

I will not be with you when you will be reading this letter. I am sure you have any questions about how you came to be and who your father is. But for now, all you need to know is that I love you. Even though there might be many people who will judge you based on your lineage based on who your father was, but I want you to be strong for me the world needs you. Dumbledore has promised to take good care of you. Be sure of your self Jonathan you are a House we always stand tall in face of adversity. You will be the one who will lead the wizarding kind to leave their old ways and make a new future. If you ever feel lonely just open the locket. I am sorry that I couldn't be with you.

I love you

My son Jonathan."

I opened the locket it had a picture of Me and her. I cried a little when I looked at her picture.

From the letter, I found three things firstly I am loved by my Mother and secondly Dumbledore is a dick and thirdly I might be a fucked up experiment done by the death eaters.

It was now 7:00 pm I asked Jeely to make some food. I was lying on the bed I got the room in the left-wing on the 2nd floor. Cotton came out of the robes and slithered her way onto my chest.

she asked, "Father what are you thinking about?"

I said, "I am thinking that I might be a product of some ritual?" I thought that because there is no way that Voldy had that kind of feelings for anyone, I should ask dumbledor about it he must have some answers.

she looked worried.

I laughed and said, "Don't worry about that."

she asked, "And what about the deathly hallow?"

I said "I have the first one within my grasp Cotton. The second one will be tricky but I will get that one as well."

She asked, "What about your father?"

I smiled and said "I might have to deal with him in another way. But I think everything will work out."

She asked, "What is the plan with Victoria father?"

I said, "I have made my place in her life, she will serve the two purposes I have intended for her."

She asked, "You think she will like you father? Even after knowing who you are?"

I said, "I can only hope so cotton."

I petted her head and then I drifted off to sleep.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I have received some of the comments to incorporate more dialogues into the chapter. I will be sure to do so. And there were some that were not happy with Mc to them I would like to say thank you for reading but this is just how the Mc is, this is my fan fiction. I am sorry if you don't like it.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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