
Ch. 07 Hi dad?

The next morning was not that eventful I woke up and someone tried to prank me by mixing potions in my food, trying to curse me behind my back and trying to enter my room to destroy my stuff.

Unfortunately for them I always check my food, having good reflexes I dodged any curses and jinx and I put most of my stuff back in my trunk and put a curse on it so that only I could open it, basically the key was my fingerprint.

I was with Victoria in the library, she was reading about potions, I was reading about rune logic. We were both having a tough time adjusting to Slytherin, I was having hard time because I was thought of as a mudblood someone who was undeserving to be in the Slytherin House. Victoria was having a hard time because of her brother.

We both were engrossed in our studies but we were disturbed when we heard "Victoria, What did you mean you are not going to change houses." It was Harry's voice.

Victoria put her book down and looked at Harry and Ron was there as well "What do you want?" She gave an eye roll.

"Dad had sent me a Howler and it shouted that you are not going to the Griffindor house even though Headmaster was willing to make a change?" Harry's voice was agitated. I just covered my face with my book. "It's because of him? Isn't it?" he pointed at me.

Victoria got up from the chair she faces was red and she pointed her finger at harry almost jabbing it and said: "Don't you dare drag Jon into this, he has been helping me since I have got to know him."

Everyone was now looking at me and I just felt that I was in the middle of a soap opera. Ron decided to provide his insight which how should I put it; It was like throwing gas on a fire "He might be getting close to you so that he could gain Harry's favour and we don't know who he is? or what he wants?"

Victoria gave Ron a scowl and said "Oh, yeah you are right because who would want to talk to me I am just the lowly sister of THE GREAT HARRY POTTER!". Victoria was red with anger and had some tears in her eyes.

Everyone was now looking at us I stood up and walked to her and wiped her tears I then looked at Harry and said "Look I get it you are worried about your sister and I get it is hard trusting someone you don't know with a loved one but I can assure you that Victoria is my friend I will take good care of her you understand?" Harry nodded "Good, now I believe I should take her somewhere else wouldn't want to make a greater scene"

While we were about to leave I gave Harry my hand and said "Hi, I am Jonathan, I am your sister's friend and a Slytherin. I hope we could have met in different circumstances... You should talk to your sister when she calms down, okay?" I gave Ron a Nod and moved out.

I took Victoria and left the library.

Ron put his hands on Harry's shoulder and Ron said "Sorry, Harry because of me your sister got upset."

Harry looked at us leaving and said "We should have handled the situation better."

I held Victoria's hand and was talking her somewhere

She wiped her tear and asked, "W-Where are we going?"

"You will know when we get there," I said with a warm smile that calmed her down.

After a while, we were at the kitchen which was located directly under the Great Hall, down the staircase leading to the Hufflepuff Basement.

Downstairs, in a broad stone basement corridor, brightly lit and decorated with food-themed paintings, one could tickle a pear on a painting of a bowl of fruit. The pear would giggle and turn into a large green door handle, revealing the entrance to the Hogwarts kitchens.

Victoria was surprised to see the room some of the house-elves worked continuously and didn't pay any attention to us.

She pulled my arm and asked, "How did you find this place?"

I shrugged and said, "You just have to ask nicely I have my mysterious ways... and I asked one of the older students." She laughed at it when I said that.

I asked, "Etsy" and a young-looking elf came I then requested in a whisper "Etsy can you please bring me the ingredients to make some pudding? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Etsy sighed and brought us to a corner with some pans and burners and the table had the ingredients for the pudding. "Here you are student" I then said "Thank you Etsy"

I then removed my robes and folded my sleeves and Cotton came out of the robe and was climbing on me Victoria let out a scream and pointed the wand at Cotton.

I then moved towards her and said "Relax this Cotton She won't bite you so relax." I looked at Cotton and said, "Do not bite her, okay, Daddy give you lots of mice, you understand?"

Cotton gave a nod Cotton then moved towards Victoria, Victoria was scared and closed her eyes when she opened them she looked at Cotton she was laying on the table next to her.

Victoria looked at me and said, "How is it that she does exactly what you tell her?"

I said "Because she is daddy's good girl" I petted Cotton and said "Now isn't she."

I continued to boil some condensed milk with normal milk and on the other pan was making caramel.

Seeing me Victoria decided to pet her and she had raised her arms and I watched her and said: "Not from behind she may bite you." Victoria moved her hand back

I then moved to Victoria and took her in front of Cotton took her hand and gently moved it closer to Cotton and just stopped in front of her I whispered "Just wait let her come towards you." After a few seconds, she put her head in victories palm and was coiling on it Victoria let out an "Aww" and just petted Cotton.

I then continued to make pudding and asked "So, what is the problem?"

She looked at me and said "Nothing, and what are you making"

I was now freezing the pudding and just put my hands on the table and said "Come on something is bothering you and I am making you some pudding."

She just petted cotton and ignored my question. I then just said, "You don't have to talk now, but just know I am always here if you need me, okay?"

I then gave her the pudding she wiped her tear and cut a piece of pudding and Cotton slithered her way to me I was waiting to get compliments and said: "So how is it did you like it?"

She put the plate down after finishing the pudding and said "It is not that good."

I then took the rest of the pudding on the table and said "Now you are just being just being hurtful"

We then laughed and got out of the kitchen and went to the common room and just chilled on the corner sofa and talked about normal stuff like what music do we like, what is our favourite ice cream flavour.

After the pudding was finished we then just felt full and decided not to go to the Hall for Dinner and with that, the first day was over tomorrow was a school day so we went to sleep early.

I was in my room I was laying on my bed with Cotton. Cotton was sitting on my chest and she spoke "Is everything going well father?".

I spoke in Parseltongue "Everything is going accordingly Cotton." I petted her and then we just drifted off to sleep.

The morning came my morning started earlier than most people. I got up from my bed and saw that the time was 5:30 in the morning, I stretched I looked around and found that Cotton was still sleeping in my robes.

I decided not to wake her I then went inside the toilet in my room and brushed my teeth and put on my Jumper it was a dull blue and my sweat pants and went out for my morning walk.

While I was on my walk I observed a few things not many people were awake during this time, only some of the staff and Filch were awake. I jogged for about 5 km, I then did about 50 squats and pushups. I reached my room at 6:50. I saw that Cotton was awake but still lazied around.

I took a shower and got my books ready and got in my robes. I was waiting for Victoria in the common room. Many people passed me and gave me looks of disgust one person who wasn't bothered by was Theodore Nott.

"What are you doing here?" Victoria walked up to me with Daphne and Olivia.

I got up from my seat and said "Good Morning ladies, I was waiting for you"

Olivia let out a giggle and Victoria had a blush and Daphne being the ice queen did not react at all.

"Let's go then" Victoria tucked her red hair behind her hair.

We reached the great hall and sat at our table we ate our breakfast and during breakfast, Victoria got a mail from her mom she didn't open it and kept it aside.

We had a transfiguration class with Gryffindor. We reached the class on time Victoria and Daphne sat together, Oliva sat with another girl from Slytherin and I sat alone which was amazing I just had so much space I was spread on the table like butter on bread.

I saw Hermione, Neville and Sheamus I waved at them but they gave an awkward wave with an uncomfortable smile which was pretty sad.

Harry and Ron were late somehow I don't get how but they were. They got an earful from McGonagall. After that, we had herbology which was very informative.

After the herbology class, we had potions and this was interesting.

Snape entered the class with his cape fluttering. He stopped in front of the class and spoke "I can teach..." I have heard it so many times that I just tuned out of it and just started to think about Room of Requirements I was thinking about going there after the class to read some books.

I heard "Mr Jonathan? Mr Jonathan?" Snape slammed his hand on my table I was startled.

Snape asked, "Mr Jonathan can you tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?".

Hermione's hand went up and everyone was thinking what would a muggle know about potions. Victoria had a smug look on her face thinking that you wait. Harry and Ron were giggling.

I then cleared my throat and said "Draught of living dead."

Everyone was shocked.

Snape was equally shocked and asked, "Where would you find Beozar?"

I answered, "Inside the stomach or intestine of a goat."

Everyone was perplexed by my answers. No one was laughing now all of them were looking at me.

Snape asked another question "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

I said, "they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite."

Snape was partly impressed and partly disgusted. He looked at me and said "It doesn't matter if you have more knowledge pay attention in my class is that clear? Mr Jonathan?"

I gave a small nod and said, "Crystal, sir".

Victoria and Hermione knew I had knowledge but didn't know that I would answer every question of Snape's.

After the class was over we went for lunch and I was approached by some of the Slytherin students and was offered backhanded praise. Seems like they might accept me after some time. Harry was still looking at weirdly.

I then took out some mice from my robes and everyone looked at me and thought that I was crazy. But then Cotton came from my robes and some of the girls gave a little scream Cotton looked at me and I just shrugged and she the mice and went inside the robes to sleep.

After lunch was over I was having some trouble going to the DADA class seeing as to how my father was teaching it.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

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I have a question after destroying tom's diary did he remember who destroyed it and the fight between Harry and Basilisk.

The author is sorry he made a mistake in spelling Neville.

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