

Fame being purely new to Anya, it didn't cross her mind she might have to cover her face or think before appearing in public. 

Going out with her friend to shop for Christmas gifts for her parents, Zane, and his friends, Anya kept pointing at the malls, and shopping streets where she usually goes. However, Krystle shrugged her and straight drove to the luxurious shopping complex Anya wouldn't think of dropping there, to even get a coffee.

Considering Krystle was going to shop, Anya alighted the sports car in front of the complex and asked curiously, "From when did you start shopping for Christmas?" Krystle's mother always handled everything at the Lewis family.

Anya's face brightened recalling Krystle's boyfriend. None of Krystle's one-nights ever lasted as a boyfriend and Linus was the first man Anya didn't hear any complaints about. "Buying something for Linus?" She was thrilled thinking of their smooth sailing-relationship.

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