

Perros woke up in prison cell, he walked sleepily to the cell bars and shouted at the guard.

"You can't do this to me, I... I have wife and kids." He screamed in fear.

"No you don't, we've checked into that." said the guard and smiled sarcasticly.

"Well.... at least i tried." Said Perros and sat back on the floor and started playing the mouth organ.

"Huh? Where did you get that? Well, whatever, enjoy the last hours of your life, I'm going to have a lunch."

After few hours, a person in a white suit with with a golden star on his chest and came into the room, where they held Perros.

"Well well well, who do we got here. The milion-minies man himself. I'm quiet pleased to hear, that we have you locked up." He said and sat on his chair.

Perros stopped playing the mouth organ and looked at the person with golden star on his chest.

"Sheriff Bufood, we meet again" Said Perros.

"IT'S BUFORD you idiot, but nevermind that. We are gonna have you executed tomorrow noon. No-one is going to save you this time." Said Sheriff Buford.

"Well, i hope i'll get a decent meal before that. You would not execute me when I'm hungry, would you?" Said Perros while his mouth was watering from hunger.

Sheriff threw piece of bread at Perros, but he caught it with his mouth.

"Not the best bread, but at least something." Said Perros

Sheriff rolled his eyes and stood up. Came infront of Perros's cell, looked at him eating the dry bread and walked to the door.

"Wait." Said Perros quietly.

Sheriff stopped while his hand was reaching for the door knob.

The room had a deadly silent. Perros looked at Sheriff and took a deep breath.

"No water? I'm dying from thirst." Said Perros.

"I thought you were going to ask for your last wish. You're lucky, the higher-ups told me I can't kill you yet. I would, if I could. And if you want water, wait for the next guard to come, I'm not your servant." Said Sheriff Bufford and opened the door.

Right when Sheriff Buford stepped out of the room with prison cells the whole building shook in its foundation. And the next cell to Perros started crumbling.

"Here they come." said Perros quietly.

"Don't tell me." Said Sheriff Buford.

"NO YOU DON'T TELL ME!" Said Perros with panic in his voice.

"Did they really miss my cell by one and are rescuing somelse? Talk about having a bad luck." thought Perros.

"WRONG CELL YOU IDIOTS." Shouted Perros.

The cell stopped crumbling.

"Sorry Perros." Said some uknown person.

Now the wall behind Perros started to crumble.

"I thought they wouldn't make it in time." Said Perros

"Call the reinforcements, NOW." Shouted Sheriff Buford down the hall.

The wall to Perros's cell was ripped out of the building. Huge cloud of dust emerged from the outside. Perros smiled through the bars.

"I hope we won't meet again, Sheriff Baboon." Said Perros.

"AS I SAID, ITS' BUFORD!" Shouted Sheriff Buford back while grabbing keys to Perros's cell.

Something flew through the dust cloud. It was a rope. And it wrapped around Perros.

"Huh? A rope?" Said Perros.

The rope fastened around Perros's hip.

"Oh, no." Said Perros and was quickly drawn back into the cloud of dust while yelling.

The only thing that Perros left behind was a crust of bread and a mouth organ.

"Don't inform the Higher-ups. I'll handle it myself." Said Sheriff Buford, slamming the door angrily.

Minies = currency of this world

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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