
I am no Damsel in Distress

‘Papa, the quails were delicious’, said Madhavi as she sipped milk. This mention brought back the awkward picture of herself in a clingy camisole and the brief look exchange with Nihaal at the breakfast table only made it worst for Suhasini. ‘Papa when will you take me fishing?’

Nihaal who sensed Suhasini’s embarrassment quietly said, ‘soon dear…soon.’ ‘Papa, how are my plaits looking?’, asked Madhavi as she grinned as Suhasini.

‘You are in an awfully good mood given that you hate going to school’, said Nihaal suspiciously. ‘It’s because of princess Suha, papa’, said Madhavi as she and Suhasini exchanged mischievous grins.


Nihaal sat comfortably in a winged back chair and thumbed a file occasionally making notes in it with a silver fountain pen when the rotary phone echoed in the corner. Mohan hurried out to it and deftly put it on a small fancy wagon trolley and brought it to Nihaal. The insistent noise of the phone stopped abruptly as Nihaal answered, ‘Hello! Yes, this he Nihaal’…

‘What? Are you sure?’ he said as Mohan looked alarmed. Nihaal placed the phone back on the cradle looking shocked.

‘What’s the matter, Mr. Nihaal?’, asked Suhasini as she walked in.

‘It’s Madhavi! Her principal called, I have to go…she wants to see me’, he said.

‘Is Madhavi alright? Is she hurt?’, asked Suhasini concerned.

‘I…I don’t know…I don’t think so, but whatever the matter, it’s urgent’, he sighed in tension.

‘I would like come, please’, Suhasini said.

‘Sure’, said Nihaal and hurried out picking his coat as Suhasini followed him.


Mother Besty, the principal sat behind a large and heavy Mahogany color desk, her white habit contrasted with her rosy pink cheeks and a bright face. ‘Thank you for coming this urgently, Mr. Nihaal’, she said as Nihaal walked in the office along with Madhavi.

‘Please have a seat’, she gestured.

Nihaal and Suhasini both sat down on sturdy chairs when Mother Besty rang call-bell and a moment later a teacher walked in followed by Madhavi and another girl of Madhavi’s age. The girl looked disheveled, her hair undone, tie barely hanging, the pocket of the uniform sweater torn and shoes dirty as if have been stomped on. Madhavi looked only a little better with her one braid undone and a broken uniform belt.

‘Madhavi’, muttered Nihaal in shock.

‘As you can see both their condition Mr. Nihaal, I too was shocked. But what shocked me the most was that Madhavi started a fight and is clearly responsible for Ruchi’s condition’, said the principal.

‘What?’, muttered Nihaal and Suhasini unanimously.

‘And who is she, Mr. Nihaal?’, asked Mother Betsy.

‘I am Suhasini, Madhavi’s governess.’

The Principal nodded and said, ‘this has never happened before, Madhavi have always been a well-behaved girl but’

Nihaal nodded, worry clear on his face, ‘Madhavi, sweetheart what happened? Why did you hurt Ruchi?’

Madhavi stood looking defiant and said, ‘she never lets me make two plaits to school and if I do, she pulls my hair and always undoes them.’

The room full of adults was shocked into silence, a fight over a hairstyle? It was beyond them.

‘She is lying, I do no such thing’, spoke Ruchi.

‘She does, she is lying’, screamed Madhavi.

‘Quiet!’ Mother Besty’s voice shook them all, ‘whatever the reason, it is wrong to beat up other students, Madhavi’, the principal said.

‘But it is not wrong to standup for yourself, to be strong. Isn’t it princess Suha? You told me that we stood be strong and not be afraid of those who try to scare us. Didn’t you?’, said Madhavi.

Nihaal and Principal turned their gaze at Suhasini who sat speechless. She gulped as she was being scrutinized. After few quiet moments lapsed, Mother Betsy sent the girls back to the class and turned to Nihaal and said, ‘Mr. Nihaal Choudhary, what just happened suggests that Madhavi is not getting the upbringing she should’ and accusingly looked as Suhasini.

Suhasini sat up in her chair, her proud face getting angrier but just before she could defend herself came Nihaal’s deep voice in support of Suhasini.

‘Mother Betsy, I am sorry to disagree! But you heard what Madhavi said and I believe her. If the other girl was bothering Madhavi she had full right to defend herself’, he said.

The principal and Suhasini both looked shocked, Suhasini glad at the support while the principal upset at the talk back.

‘Mr. Nihaal, we don’t live in the age of barbarians and next time if Madhavi has a problem, she should complain to a teacher or me and not take matters in her own hands’, she suggested.

‘I agree, but I will also not teach my daughter to get targeted at school and take it sitting, I hope you too understand Mother Betsy’, Nihaal said in his authoritative tone and startled the principal by getting up without permission. With a slight bow of his head he greeted the principal and walked out of the office. Suhasini followed him out.


Suhasini walked behind Nihaal quietly and smilingly as she felt a tingling sensation in her belly. She was not merely surprised but also amazed that Nihaal stood up for her, he not only protected her reputation but also made it ample clear that she was right. But soon her smile grew smaller and confusion grew on her face, she wondered as she continued walking behind Nihaal through the school corridor, ‘why am I feeling so elated if Nihaal stood up for me?’ She quietly questioned herself, ‘didn’t I teach Madhavi to stand up for herself then why didn’t I do the same? Why did I allow Nihaal to come for my rescue? And now I am feeling coy and happy about it? Why? I am no Damsel in Distress!!’, she wondered as her bewilderment increased by the moment and she found it difficult to understand herself at that moment.

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