
Couldn't Protect You Again

The old man, his heart pounding with fear, clutched his rolling pin tightly as he followed Luna through the labyrinthine corridors. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Luna, this mysterious creature, might suddenly turn around and tear him apart for no reason at all. The old man's mind raced with thoughts of self-preservation, his imagination painting a terrifying picture of Luna's intentions.

Unbeknownst to the old man, Luna's focus was solely on completing the task her master had entrusted her with. Her thoughts revolved around reuniting with Dean as soon as possible, for she couldn't bear to be away from him for long. Deep down, she held a fear that something terrible might befall him, despite his recent growth in power.

With each step, Luna weaved through the empty cells, their walls stained with blood and adorned with hanging shackles. Weariness crept into her bones, fueled by the frustration of finding nothing in this desolate place.

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