
Business Done

The lands owned by House Falwell were quite vast for them having a lower prestige than most of the other Houses of the Westerlands. Rolling fields that stretch out to the horizon, gatherings of ancient trees as well as the occasional stream winding down from the mountains. The population was sparse, I admit, there are a few villages but they are few and far between. Most of the people living here are farmers and hunters, there are the random blacksmiths and craftsmen you'll see sometimes and there aren't any miners either, like you might see in other regions of the West.

My agricultural project was ready to begin, all we really need is for people to hear about it and turn up, I will say that I am pretty confident that they will due to the pay I'm advertising. Five copper groats for a days work, now as the Heir to House Lannister I get quite a large allowance to say the least. I'm putting 50 Dragons into this as pay, which will most likely not get used up but I want to be careful just in case I do need it, 50 Dragons is equal to 147,000 Copper groats, divide by 5 and you get 29,400, I'm only expecting a maximum of around 300 to turn up and so you get 98. If my maths is correct then I can pay for 98 working days with the fifty Gold dragons. Of course I have got more money with me but that is for the actual project.

The deal Lord Falwell and I hashed out was pretty good, no real downside apart from compensation if it fails and to not cause damage to his land or people without just cause, which isn't a problem for me. In fact, the closest thing to a disadvantage about this deal was behind me, Montford Falwell, my new page.

Now I'm not an expert on customs in Westeros but I am pretty sure a 12 year old having an 8 year old page is... unconventional. Montford isn't that bad though, sure he is quite shy and reserved but what he lacks in confidence I'm sure he makes up for it in spirit, I hope. Appearance wise he is a lot like his father, Layton Falwell. Retaining his fathers black hair and blue eyes, though Montford's are a much lighter colour. Apparently he is the third son of Lord Layton and his wife and the fifth child overall.

Looking at him, I couldn't help but think back to the deal his father and I made.


"Well you see I have a proposition to share with you my Lord" I announce, to which he gives me a nod to elaborate, "My father, Lord Tywin, has given me the task of securing food for the Westerlands before we face the next winter, I have come to Falhall today to offer you the chance to help me in this endeavour. My Lord father has several learned men come up with ways that could improve agriculture" Total bullshit but more believable than a 12 year old inventing them "and for that, land is required." I add, waiting for him to reply.

"I take it that you wish to use my land for this venture then my Lord?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, "I do Lord Falwell, House Lannister will pay for any expenses, all that I ask of you is your permission to use around several fields and a couple hundred farmers to see this project through."

Lord Falwell sighs, "You are asking a lot of me my Lord, my lands are barely producing enough food as it is and it is the best time for them to be sowing crops, Having them pulled away from their fields to work on such a venture is risky, for both me and my people"

"I fully understand that my Lord, that's why I've brought this" I pull out a letter from my pocket, bearing the Lannister lion on its sealing wax, and giving it to Lord Falwell, letting him read it before I carry on "If the project turns out to be unsuccessful then you will be provided with more than enough food for the winter as well as being provided compensation if it fails." I had somehow managed to convince Father to write that in the letter in order to help satisfy any of Lord Falwell's concerns about the project.

"I would not be adverse to coming to an agreement with you, however what about remuneration to House Falwell? the only kind of benefits we would be getting is if your project fails, and even then that would have meant my land or people have been harmed." Lord Falwell says, conveying his doubts over my project.

"I know my lord and I acknowledge your hesitation, but the benefits are long-term. If this venture is successful, which I personally believe it will be, then you are looking at the production of food in your land rising swiftly. If the results are to your satisfaction, then House Lannister will financially assist you in converting more of your land in the same fashion." I declare, hoping it would wash away any uncertainty he had about it.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, letting him contemplate his choices, before he announces "I will accept your offer my Lord, however... I have one request to ask of you." I nod and give him an 'okay', "My third son, Montford, has just celebrated his eighth name-day. I would like to request that you take him on as a page, he hasn't shown much in the training yard and is rather quiet but he more than makes up for it with his mind."

"I would be more than happy to take on your son as my page my Lord." I say as I stick out my hand and grasp his, solidifying the deal.


"My Lord?"

A voice pulls me out of my thoughts, I look around trying to find the source before my eyes fall upon Montford, "Yes Montford?".

"Oh uh there's a man coming towards us my Lord, just wanted to let you know." He replies unsurely, looking at his feet.

"I see, Thank you Montford. Though when no-one is around you can just call me Cerion." I say to him, eliciting him accept that and for me to call him 'Monty' as his name is a bit of a mouthful.

Focusing back on topic I turn left to see a middle-age man approach us on top of the hill, lowborn, by the look of the clothes he was wearing. The Redcloaks step in the way of his path with their hands on the hilt of their swords, One of the Redcloaks turns around and heads for me "My Lord, apparently this man is responsible for farming these fields." He says to which I announce that they let him through.

As he got close I could get a better look of him. Tall and strong were words which come to mind, an impressive physique to have due to his older age, if his greyish-brown hair was anything to go off. Sun-kissed skin and deep-set brown eyes surrounded by prominent crows feet, a sharp jaw and chin with a beak of a nose framed with long greasy hair going to his shoulders. He crouches down into a kneel when within a respectable distance.

"I'm Barrick Milord, I'm in charge of the grain farm over that field there." he says with a gravelly voice while motioning his head towards his left. "Rise, Barrick." I say to which he proceeds with doing so, "Lord Falwell told me that I was to meet and discuss my plans with you, He said you were the man for the job."

"Aye, I've been farming these fields all my life, since I were your age". He remarks, I nod and gesture with my hand to the fields behind him "Tell me about your farm."

"Well we got four fields where we mostly grow wheat, we also got a mill and some livestock, mostly sheep and cows. Got around two dozen farmers..." He goes off and starts explain all the key details of the farm for the next five minutes.

"Right, have you been informed of what it is I wish to do?" I question to which he scoffs "Oh Aye I've been informed, Your ideas sound fucking crazy and I doubt they will work, but I've got little choice in the matter. At least I get paid either way if it goes tits up." I simply smile at his crass behaviour, finding it rather amusing.

"As much as I enjoy this conversation, It is getting late. I will visit your farm tomorrow Barrick, there we will discuss what it is we will be doing." I announce to him, getting a nod in response, before turning around and mounting my horse before I start heading off with the rest of my company back to Falhall.


A/N: Quite an uneventful chapter I know, but I am just building up the story. I have been getting a few reviews about it being boring and less action-packed but he's only twelve and it will probably be a while before battles and fights start happening. Some people may also moan about it being late or that it is too short for such a long wait and I agree, but if you haven't read the notice I put up then I have school shit to do and I find myself lacking time and writing is the last thing I want to do after writing an essay. I'm not sure how long it will last, but it looks like it could be around two weeks.

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