
Darkness (2)

"Are you alright?" Enna asked Lara, sitting next to her.

Through the dim light of the mana lantern, she could distinguish how fatigued Lara was. Well, every single one of them was fatigued. Even she had healed and given auxiliary service, however her or the others' suffering didn't seem all that much comparing all that much with Lara and also Hilton.

"I'm good," she said, "just a bit tired.'

"It didn't seem a bit from outside."

They had started their journey as seven and currently have five—two died in the assault of the ghouls. The youth who lost his arm first, and then Sarvat, with an ambush when he was helping others. If their luck was good, they would be resurrected tomorrow on the beach again, where they first showed up.

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