

  "You are welcome, my son.' She said and then, she towards Nicolas and furrowed her brows. "When are you getting married?'' 

 "Me,' he pointed at himself and looked around.

 "Who else will I be talking to and please don't give me any sort of excuses, I don't need it. Just tell me, who the special person is in your life right now or don't you have someone,' 

 "Oh, yes, sure, I do have someone,' he nervously laughed and ruffled his hair as he talked. "Someone so special, that I'm even planning on getting married to her and she's so beautiful, you've got to see her, mom. Don't worry, I will bring her over, introduce her to you and once I do that, we are getting married right away?" 

 "Are you sure,' she questioned.

 "Yes, I'm sure. Why will I lie about such a thing to you,' he chuckled.

 Their mom was so delighted to hear the news about Nicolas getting married and now, finally everything will be put in place. She nodded and faced Darien.

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