
Chapter 35

“Did you hear what I said, bud?

“Uh, yeah. Congratulations, I guess.”

“Wow,” Mason eventually said. Never did he

imagine that Parker, paranoid, scared-to-be-labeled-as-gay, Parker

would ever make such a declaration, and in such a public way,


“I know it doesn’t…can’t mean anything now,

but…I’d promised myself that if ever I met you again I’d do what I

just did.”

“Thank you.” Mason didn’t know what else to


The two went quiet, Mason in his chair,

Parker looking down at him.

“So, uh,” Mason said to break the silence.

“You said you lost your job. I assume you found another, what with

the nice suit.”

“This,” Parker said, brushing at his pants,

“was one of the things I managed to salvage from the house before

Sue sent everything to Goodwill.” He sighed. “Her kicking me out of

the house and me losing my job was just the start. I soon realized

the word had gone out and no law firm in the Pacific north-west

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