
Chapter 20

“I’m Jim. I’m sure they told you, I take care of the back of the house. Brian and I are the unofficial instigators of all the trouble we get into. Greg is a doctor. Jamie, our accountant; Robbie works with Marcel, our chef and goes to culinary school; Danny is studying botany and runs his own nursery; and Johnny writes software from his home for Adroit Systems.”

“Sit down on your pillow and tell us about yourself,” Brian said brightly.

“I met Jake trying to pick his pocket.”

Jim gave Brian a sideways glance and whispered, so Davey could barely hear, “Two points for honesty.”

“Why would you do that?” Greg asked.

Davey went through the whole story including Danvers, the foster homes and Kyle’s tutelage, how he became a paralegal and what happened after Danvers left.

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