
Chapter 25

But I didn’t want him to think I could be had with just a pretty ring and a few tender words. I tightened my fingers around his and said, “I’ll…think about it.”

“Kipp!” But Granddad was laughing.

“Well, this is a serious decision to make. We’re talking about the rest of our lives, here. And…well…‘If I am not worth the wooing, then I am surely not worth the winning.’”

“You’re very literary today, Kipp. First Shakespeare and now Longfellow.” Granddad continued to chuckle.

“Yes, Granddad.” I peeked at Hyde through my lashes. “Still, it would be nice to be courted.” To know someone wanted me that badly.

“I’ve never courted anyone.”

“What about—” Granddad started to ask something, but Hyde sent a glance in his direction, and he coughed. “Sorry, I forgot what I was going to say.”

“Now, as I was about to say, it will be my pleasure to court you.”

“That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it, Kipp?” Granddad sounded so hopeful.

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