
Chapter 65

The first stream of blood came from Blaze’s ear. Within seconds it was too hard to identify the source of any of it. The pain that streamed off Blaze’s body was intense enough to numb Arik’s heart and mind to any further thoughts of loss. “Keep going,” he chanted in silence. “Keep going.”

“Arik?” Blaze’s voice forced Arik’s eyelids up and he blinked for several seconds at the unfamiliar room. “Arik, are you awake?”

“Yeah,” Arik mumbled, his garbled words belying the reply. “Everything okay?”

“I remember some of it.”

There was so much sadness in Blaze’s statement that Arik’s heart wept for it. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yes.” Blaze paused. “No. I don’t know.” He turned in Arik’s arms to face Arik. “I loved him, Arik.”

Arik nodded, bracing himself at the lance of hurt the statement brought him. “I know.”

“He forgives me.” Blaze reached up, but his fingers only hovered over Arik’s cheek. “And I forgive myself. For doing that to him.”

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