
Chapter 43

“I wish I’d known that months ago. I would have triggered the buzzer earlier.”

As usual, Cam couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Uh…I live in a dorm. Your place?” she whispered.

Cam must have nodded.

* * * *

Cam took a deep breath as she brushed her hair. But I didn’t fuck Laurie. I guess moving up here has changed both of us. Now that we’re practically living together there isn’t any need for either of us to look elsewhere, not that there ever was, but at least when we’re presented with the possibility, there’s no need to accept it.

Yes, they’d even talked about getting married. How serious was that?

After drying her hair, Cam went back into the bedroom to look for clothes. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a clean polo shirt.16

Cam spent the rest of the morning checking out all the places in Magog. Everything seemed status quo. She stopped at the tobacco store.

“Hey,” Max, the old man, greeted her, “How have you been?”

“I’ve been pretty good. You?”

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