
Chapter 24

“Sure, eh? Folks my age have had them all our lives. Why change now? My wife never touched a cigarette in her life and she died from lung cancer five years ago. Me? I’ve been smoking since I was a teen: almost fifty years. Tell me the medical logic in that one. I guess when your time is up, the good lord will come and get you, unless that devil beats him to ya.”

“I think you’re right,” said Cam as she opened one pack of cigarettes. “But explain to me why people say they prefer cigars because you don’t inhale them? What the fuck is the sense of smoking something if you don’t inhale?”

Cam tapped a cigarette out of the package and lit it.

“Oh, I know them, eh. I don’t understand it, either. You’re right. Why smoke something if you don’t inhale and get the full effect? Like one of your presidents said he had smoked dope but he hadn’t inhaled.”

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