
Chapter 6

“It’s fine, Raine. Whatever you have, it’s fine.”

She nodded. “There’s a bathroom attached. That door.” She pointed. “You won’t have to share with the girls.”

“Okay,” I replied.

Raine hugged herself and lingered in the doorway. “When you’re finished getting settled, maybe you can come downstairs? Mommy and Daddy are there with the girls in the living room.”

It had been a long time since our parents had been Mommy and Daddy, but maybe Raine needed that right now.

“We’ll be right down,” I promised.

“Thank you for coming, Mickey,” she whispered and then turned and left, closing the door behind her.

“Um. Sorry,” I said to Zach.

“For what?”

“This.” I gestured to the room, especially the one bed. “I didn’t even think to mention you were just a friend. Didn’t think she’d—”



“It’s fine. As far as I know you don’t have cooties. We’ll deal.”

“Okay. But first chance I get I’ll tell her we aren’t a couple.”

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