
Chapter 10

Rocky stroked Dan to climax. Dan had never cum four times in less than twelve hours before in his life. After Rocky had cum as well, he turned Dan around to face him and kissed Dan so tenderly Dan felt he could die right then and he’d be a happy man.

Rocky turned off the shower and pulled off the condom he’d worn. “Sometime soon, maybe we won’t have to use one of these. I don’t want anything to separate us, not even this thin layer of rubber.”

* * * *

Dan signaled a turn as he approached his exit. He was grateful he hadn’t received an emergency call. If he’d had to come home, get his truck, and then drive a distance to a sick horse…well, it wouldn’t be good.

He smiled as he approached his house. Maybe he’ll call tonight. He asked for my number and I gave him my card with my cell, Dan mused. He wished now he’d gotten Rocky’s number. His euphoric state of mind hadn’t left him thinking clearly when they’d said goodbye. Hmm, I don’t even know his last name.

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