
Chapter 79

Cam was too impatient to warm up correctly and immediately dropped down onto the mat to do a set of fifty sit-ups. Those done, she rolled over and did fifty push-ups. By that time, she was covered with sweat but still far from calmed. She rested a moment, and then began a second set of sit-ups and push-ups. At the end of the second sets, she had worked off a lot of her anger.

She moved to the weight bench and lifted the barbells. She was on a second set of bench presses when two hands reached over and helped her replace the eighty-pound barbell on their rack.

“Feeling better?”

Cam looked up at Tuck who stood behind her. She sat up and wiped her face with the tail of her shirt, which was already covered with sweat.

“Yeah.” She wiped the sweat from her neck. “Gina okay?”

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