
Chapter 78

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They finally had the SSTs flying again, so the flight to Paris took a little under five hours.

Pete met me at Charles de Gaulle Airport. He ushered me to a black van, gesturing for me to sit in the back where there were no windows. I didn’t have time to waste arguing with him. If I wanted to find the location of the Division that badly, I wouldfind it.

“Babineaux has come across some very interesting intel, Mark,” Pete’s voice came through the grill that permitted communication between the front of the van and the back.

“Yeah?” I sat forward, listening intently. Babineaux was one of the best computer operators on the planet, and if he ever decided to leave the Division, the WBIS would take him in a shot.

“He has ascertained that one of the two people responsible for creating the Division is behind Prinzip.”

“Richard?” I made an educated guess.

“Oui. Richard.”

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