
Chapter 20

“As much as I love you,sweetheart,would you let Cal out so we can talk through whatever just happened.”He scratched the cat under its chin and got a long purr in response.

Then the small body shuddered,and he had a lapful of grown naked male half on top of him.

“Fuck,”Cal said with such feeling,Derek chuckled.

“Okay T-shirt and boxers first,then talking,”Derek told him,and Cal got dressed.

When he was climbing back onto the bed,Derek opened his arms and after a second of hesitation,Cal moved close to him,pressing his ear against Derek’s shoulder as he cuddled in.

“It was the kids,”Cal said after long minutes of silence.“Joonatan’s kids.”

Derek thought for a few beats.“Human children?”

“Yeah.I didn’t know he’d bring them.I wasn’t prepared.”

Derek hummed and kept on petting Cal like the cat he was sometimes.They were both quiet for a while again,then Cal started to speak in a tone that told Derek he wasn’t fully in the bedroom with him,but reliving a memory.

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