
Chapter 7

“I don’t know. Go ask him.”

“Oh, hellno.” Downstairs I heard the

door open again and more harsh voices drifted up through the floor

boards. I wasn’t going down thereto complain about being

hungry. I could barely speak to Mr. Pierce when he was alone, but

among his friends? Shyeah. No.

Prodding Mikey with my toe, I said, “You go

ask. He’s your dad.”

Mikey shrugged me off. “You ask. He likes


The words were a jolt of electricity shooting

through me. My dick, which had finally begun to soften, now

hardened again, doubling in size and pinching against the front of

my jeans. “He doesn’t,” I said, only because I wanted to hear Mikey

tell me yeah, he does, he likes you like that. I tried to

keep my voice level and failed miserably when I asked, “Did he

really say that?”

Mikey made a dismissive sound and shook his

head. “You’re over here, aren’t you? If he didn’t like you, he

wouldn’t let us hang out.”

Absently I ran a finger down the zipper of my

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