
Why Mess With A Good Thing?

Rukelion liked being the stay-at-home parent. He was able to take quick breaks to check on his kids whenever he wanted since he was such a fast and efficient worker. As long as he got his quota done for the day, no one cared what he did during work hours. 

Roselia and Peony were thick as thieves and could play make-believe games or with their toys together all day. That made things easier. He could check on them at the same time since they were never far away from each other. 

That became more of a problem once Roselia went to kindergarten. She had already been attending half-day preschool and the separation anxiety for that was bad enough. Having a full-day program was worse. Since Peony only went to preschool half that time, she easily grew bored and wanted someone to play with while her sister was gone. 

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