
45. Countdown



After I showed the song to the boys they decided it was fitting and asked if they could use it for their debut on Sunday. Of course, with everything that had transpired within the last 24 hours, I basically threw the song at them. The club would stay shut this weekend and instead, we set off to work straight away.

The clock was ticking and we didn't have long to try and miraculously pull a debut song, stage and choreography out of thin air. All of the boys as well as Pdogg and I had been at their agency studio for the past four hours. We'd nearly finished recording, and, after that producers can do editing and arrangements.

Then, the boys would need to start on choreography.

There was a lot to do. And the pressure we all felt was palpable. I helped with adjusting lyrics where I could, but, for the most part, Yoongi, Joon and Hoseok took care of the rap. Their skills when they worked together put my mind at ease, they knew exactly what they were doing and it was amazing to watch them work.


Hoseok left with a member from their choreography team to get started on the performance. The recording had been done except for a few last-minute harmonies and adlibs. My eyes felt tired as I watched Jungkook and Jimin inside the recording booth. As I gazed at everyone else I could tell that they were tired too. But, there is still a lot to do to prepare for tomorrow. We couldn't stop yet. We had to keep going.


I'd stayed in the studio with Pdogg and Supreme Boi to help with production. But, seeing as there wasn't much more that I could offer them I decided to go down to the practice room where the boys had started learning the choreography.

There was a stairwell inside the building that led down to the basement so I didn't have to use the outside door. A raw version of the track could be heard coming from below as I made my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I saw them all lined up in front of the mirrors, sweaty and dancing. They looked exhausted but, even from here, I can see their drive. They're pushing themselves. I could tell just how hard they had been working, even now, even though the odds were against them. Here they are, at three in the morning, dancing as if their lives depended on it.

Was there anything that I could do?

I couldn't think of much… But, a small idea came to mind. Maybe some coffee would help.


I went down to the 24 hours Starbucks and brought back some coffee for everyone as they took a short break. The boys sat quietly or lay down on the floor, mostly scattered and not talking to each other. They were probably trying to conserve energy. I sat quietly on one of the couches in the back corner, a tall man I hadn't seen before came and sat next to me. The boys had a few staff around and I didn't know most of them.

"Jia right?" The man asked.

"Yeah, that's me. Can I ask who you are?" I replied.

"Sure. I'm the boys' manager Sejin. Nice to meet you. I heard you're the one who helped with the last-minute song." He replied.

"Oh. It's nice to meet you too," I quickly stood up and gave a short bow before sitting back down, "I did… there was some trouble with the hard drive and I already had a song that they could use…" I explained.

"I heard what happened. These boys can be a handful. Always seem to get themselves into trouble, keeps me on my toes that for sure" Sejin sighed although it seemed like he held a fondness for the boys more than an annoyance.

"Yeah…" I fiddled with my hands awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"I just wanted to say Thankyou. The fact that all of this happened while our CEO is overseas is bad enough. We might've missed the debut opportunity, but, because of you there's still a chance we can make it." Sejin looked at me as he spoke, but, there was no way I could possibly take any credit in this kind of situation.

"Oh… no… That's-" I stuttered.

"Not to mention, it's a good song" Sejin cracked a small chuckle. I let out a small breath and felt myself relax. Maybe I should just take the compliment for what it is.

"Thank you… I just hope we can get everything ready in time. It would break my heart to see them miss out on the opportunity they've been waiting so long so for" I replied. Time was ticking away, this fact hung heavy over us all.


The boys had been at it for hours. I asked their staff if there was anything I could help them with but there didn't seem to be much. I decided to go outside for some fresh air. I sat on the bench out on the street by their agency. The sun had begun to crack over the horizon. I couldn't believe it. I watched the light pour over the streets and buildings in my tired delusional state. It was beautiful.

Suddenly Jimin sat next to me.

"Hey, what're you doing out here?" He mumbled.

"I dono, watching the sunrise I guess. Are you okay?" I replied, turning to look at him. The light reflected off his complexion, he looks tired but still glows.

"The sunrise Huh?" He turned and looks at it for a moment before turning back to me, "It's pretty… Just like you," he gave a small chuckle before sighing. I felt a small lump catch in my throat. Flashes of him with that girl cross my mind but I push it away, now just wasn't the time. Jimin went on.

"Everyone was going to sleep for a few hours before going back to practise. You wanna come to take a nap with me?" Jimin gently reached over for my hand.

"Oh.. are you going back to your dorms?" I asked. I'd been awake for so long now my mind felt a bit fuzzy.

"Probably not, everyone just passed out on the couches. I have a futon I keep here just in case I want to nap when I practice, we can share" Jimin gave a small smile. The thought of sleep sounded so tempting.

"Okay, I'm pretty tired.." I slowly got up with Jimin and we went back downstairs together. All the lights were off and everyone was tucked in with blankets and pillows on the couches or on a futon. It was quiet as we slipped into Jimin's little makeshift bed which was beside an already sleeping Hoseok.

"You comfy?" Jimin asked as he slipped in beside me and pulled the blanket up.

"Yeah, get some rest" I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks, you too cutie" Jimin held my head against his chest as we huddled together. I closed my tired eyes. It was a miracle I was even able to sleep given the panic of the situation but I managed to anyways.


As I woke up I saw that everyone else was starting to get up too. Some were eating bread and had drinks in front of them, some were chatting to each other.

"Here, want some bread?" Tae had noticed I was awake and passed me a spare bread he had sitting in his lap.

"Thanks, Tae" I took it and sat up, crossing my legs. I still felt disoriented as I looked around.

"I feel like I haven't even slept at all" Tae sighed as he looked over to me.

"Same, but, I'm not the one that has to dance all night and day so…" I mumbled back as I took a bite of the sweet soft treat.

"Wonder who's going to wake up Jungkook," Jimin had come back over and taken a seat beside me. I looked over to see Jungkook was still passed out on his futon, one leg hanging out of the blanket. He looked like a log and that he wouldn't be easy to wake.

"Dono but we should probably get him up soon or he'll miss out on breakfast" Tae replied. Just as he said that Joon got up from the couch where he was sitting with Jin and Hoseok and went over to Jungkook. He called his name and started shaking him. Hoseok was kinda laughing a little and Jin was just frowning.

"I guess this is normal for you guys?" I asked, Jimin and Tae nodded as they watched Kookie groan and try to shake Joon off him.

Not long after, everyone had eaten and got ready to get back to practising their choreography. I decided to go and give the producers a visit to check on the song.


Joon and Yoongi had come up to the production room to hear the finished version of the song. After collectively agreeing that this version was the final one, I felt morale lift among us. The song was finished. Joon and Yoongi took a copy of the final version back down to the practice room with them so they could match any discrepancies within their choreography.


After a long day, I went back to the club to try and make some dinner for the boys. They had been working hard since yesterday with barely any sleep or anything nutritious to eat. I'd picked up lots of vegetables and meat and was now putting together seafood stew and some other meat and vegetable dishes. It took a while but after I'd finished I packed it all up and headed back to the agency.

The boys looked happy to see me when I returned, also delightfully surprised when they saw all the food I was carrying. Joon ran up to help me carry it. Jin and Tae also took some things off me and helped set up the table down in the practice room. We all gathered around and ate together, also offering the staff to join us. I was seated beside Yoongi and Jin, but, I noticed every now and again Yoongi would struggle to bring his chopsticks up to his mouth to eat.

I leant in close and asked if his shoulder was alright but he just coldly said not to bring it up. But, I was worried. It had only been a week since his accident and the fact that he'd been pushing himself since last night couldn't have been good. I watched as Yoongi got up and went to the toilet and decided to follow him to talk properly.

"Yoongi, wait up!" I called after him. He stopped but, didn't bother to turn around to face me.

"What is it?" He asked coldly, I hesitated for a moment, what had gotten into him?

"It's just… Your shoulder…" I brought it up cautiously, this wasn't the usual Yoongi I knew. I had no idea how to approach him right now…

"I told you It's fine, don't worry about it." He said bluntly. I felt something building up inside me. How could he be acting like this? Like it was nothing…

"It doesn't look like it's alright…" I pushed further, maybe even desperate to try and get through to him but, he finally turned to face me.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I can't stop. Not now. After all this time, tomorrow is our Debut." The pain and conflict in his voice hit me deep.

"Yoongi…" I was stunned. He was right.

"Just stay out of it." He finally said before turning back around and taking off.

I watched his back as he walked off left only feeling hurt and conflicted. I don't want his shoulder to get worse, but, he's right… who am I to interfere with his Debut. He'd been working so hard for so long. There was nothing I could do. I went back and said goodnight to all the boys before going home for the night.

Sejin gave me a ticket including a backstage pass to their show tomorrow and told me to come. I made my way back home. I hoped the boys would get a good night sleep for tomorrow and that the food I cooked would help boost their spirits and body too. I was anxious about tomorrow but I'd done all I could and now it was out of my hands.


I'd accidentally woken up an hour after I fell asleep, my mouth was dry and I'd just had one of those really vivid dreams you only get when you are in a light slumber. I got up and went down to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I turned on the light I was a figure huddled up on the floor sleeping on a futon.

"Yoongi? Is that you?" I looked closer to see it was indeed him.

"Oh shit… I thought you were already asleep." He grumbled as he turned over to look at me.

"I was but I, wait, why are you here?" I went and sat down at the table, peering over to where he was huddled up. He looked at me before letting out a long sigh and sitting up.

"I couldn't stay at the dorms. My shoulders acting up and the others would've noticed if I slept there tonight" Yoongi said reluctantly.

Without saying anything to him I stood back up and left the room. I went and grabbed some anti-inflammatory and pain medication that I had and went back. Yoongi watched as I filled up a glass of water and put it down on the table along with the medicine.

"Here. Take these" I finally said. Yoongi slowly, carefully cradling his arm scooted closer to the table.

"Thanks" was all he said as he reached over and took the pills off the table. I watched as he took them. Still conflicted. If he wasn't going to listen to reason then the next best thing I could do was try and help him.

"You should sleep in my bed if you're going to stay here. It'll be better for your shoulder." Yoongi let out a small breath and closed his eyes.

What was he thinking?

Probably a lot of things.

Things I didn't know, things I couldn't understand.

"Alright" he slowly opened his eyes back up and looked at me. I got up and went over to help him stand. We went back to bed together and I set up the pillows for him so he could sleep with his shoulder supported so it wouldn't hurt him while he slept.

There was a small silence between us as we lay in bed together. Finally, it was broken as Yoongi spoke. "I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier."

I peered up at him, he was propped up in a sitting position, his eyes closed. I snuggled back into my pillow and closed my eyes too.

"It's okay. I forgive you… Get some rest, you're going to need it for your big day tomorrow." I heard Yoongi let out a relieved breath.

"Goodnight Jia" his voice was soft.

"Sweet dreams Yoongi."

Next chapters will be posted like normal again, just this one had to be by time! <3

Gasaiicreators' thoughts
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