

Yes Rose admits she was a little to careless, with rushing into the battlefield, yes she admits that Grandpa did had a point, but Goku was still in there, and she had a plan to get him-… Oh…

Rose'seyes widened in shock as another beam of light flew straight at her she ducked, the beam went pass her, silently grazing her cheek causing a trickle of blood to come down.

Maybe this was a bad Idea after all, but there was no way, she was going to just leave Goku's like that, it s her fault, if she knew of the full moon…

The Goku Monster roared once again as it started to beat on its chest,the monster then, after awhile, fired another barrage of Ki blast from his mouth, She felt a violent push and was pushed to the ground, she looked up and saw her grandpa getting back up and standing above her turning his back against her.


"What you are doing is not necessary anymore Rose," Grandpa replied his gazed was steeped onto the monkey.

Rose followed his gaze and was shocked that the monster was letting of low growls of fustration before it ssuddenly silent. And motionless

Suddenly grey light started to emit from his body, the light in the form of lines surrounded the monster before it expanded, as it expanded the lights started to spin.

As the lights grew higher they also started to spin faster and faster, before all of a sudden much to Rose and Grandpas shock it started to shrink.

The monster tilted its head back as well as its arms and roared in pain, before a light blinded the entire area. Rose and Grandpa Gohan had to cover there eyes,

Once the light died down, Rose And grandpa uncovered there eyes, Rose Gasped in shcok, Grandpa however had his eyes narrowed.

For In the place of the monster stood another one, about the same height as Goku, he had brown fur covering his entire body, his hair instead of black was brown, in similar recognition.

He opened his eyes showing crimson irises, so to a brown sclera, Gohan looked in those eyes, they did not show animalistic behavior, but it was innocence, of pure awe and wonder.

Of course he was hesitant, and Cautious, Rose however took a small step towards hi.

"G-Goku?" She stuttered, slightly in fear, but she needed to know, was this him, or another monster they had to face..

The monster glanced towards her, and smiled softly at her, "It's me Rose." His voice although held slight familarity, was different, more deeper, more rough, more animalistic, and it sent chills down her spine, but she knew it was Goku the feeling that she had, Goku's eyes held a certain assuredness,

That's all that she needed, Rose quickly lunged at Goku and enveloped him and a tight hug, Goku was surprised, but did not deny it and hugged back.

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