
Touch (3)

Blank refused to do anything more to me that night. So instead I found myself once again at his place after dinner the next day. This time he left my shirt and hoddie on.

Last night he had done nothing but hold me the entire night. I wasn't even sure if he got any sleep. I had only gotten a little and every time I had woken up he had gently stroked my hair till I fell asleep again.

This time he didn't rush me or even push me. I could see in his eyes he still felt bad about it. He hadn't even really been the cause. Today we were both laying side by side in his bed.

I felt guilty this was part of what I had been worried about when he started his little crush on me. Being with me would only end up hurting him. A part of me now wanted to be with him as well though. I felt myself blush a little. It seemed I was now the one with the crush. Something about the way he held me all night long... so sweet.

"So um. Are you still up for it?" I whispered.

Blank's head turned sideways to look at me. "You make it sound like we're doing more."

I looked down blushing again. How did those manga go again? Were they even factually accurate? Maybe I should do some research first. I mean how could it possible feel 'good' to be rubbed on your lower parts? It just wasn't logical!

It wasn't like he'd go that far anyway. He was just touching. Purely for safety reasons, there wasn't any other motives going on. The redness in my face grew darker and I looked away.

The horrifying manga finally came back to me. Ah right, one had to stick their thing in the other person. Wouldn't that just lead to some serious constipation though? I slightly felt my own rear end with one hand. How would something like that even fit!

Well it wasn't like he would touch inside of me anyway. But he had done the inside of my mouth. Well that was logical I could accidentally swallow a nail or something. It wasn't like I could accidentally have nails come out my rear end right? Unless I sat on a nail?

I'm over thinking this. While I was turned away I flinched as I felt a hand slowly enter my pants. I gulped another shiver going down my spine. This was the last night. It was just a small area compared to the last two. This should be easy right?

Blank's hand slowly made its way along me. Both large cheeks of my rear and they took the little slot canyon upward. He paused only briefly to rub my cave's entrance before leaving it alone. Logical, it wasn't like he tried to touch the inside of my stomach so this only made sense.

I realized my muscles had all clenched up without me realizing it.

"Roll over."

I felt Blank's hands gently guide me back onto my back from my side. Then his hands made their way from back to front. They took a detour to visit my little twins and show them some affection, then on to my little royal highness.

"Yeip!" I looked down in horror as it rose up.

Why! This shouldn't happen from something so little. We weren't doing anything! Why had it already turned into a stiff rod?

Blank let out a low chuckle.

"Royal do tell me have you ever given yourself some proper care?"

"Proper care?" What was he talking about. "Wait, Oh."

He seemed amused by my facial expression as they went from confusion to understanding to freaking out. If possible my rod got even stiffer.

"I just need the bathroom." I started to move when his hand gently blocked me.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it." He said and I felt his hand wrap around it.

Was it possible to die from gulping too many times? I gulped feeling my whole body freeze up.

His hands started to gently move in all the wrong yet oh so right ways. So this was what people meant when they said it felt good. If this felt good in this way, what did the more inside way feel like? No bad Royal stop thinking that. It's clearly much too small and that is only one of the thousand reasons for no.

Blank was slowly speeding up the tormenting of my little prince. At some point I had started whimpering. Even worse I didn't know when I had started, nor was I able to stop. My whole body flushed with heat as something seemed to slowly build up inside of me.

Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to stand it any longer my whole body...convulsed? No that wasn't quite the right word for it, but whatever it was, it felt good. My whole body relaxed slowly until I didn't feel like moving. Just what magic had he used on me! My lower parts had gotten wet? Right that was a thing.....

Blank had already started cleaning me down their though.

"Are you okay with your own fluids? As well as mine?" Blank asked calmly.

How was he always so calm? I nodded briefly. I wasn't huge on my own but they wouldn't kill me.

He was brushing his hand through my hair again. He seemed to really like doing that. It also felt quite nice. Not that I would ever tell him that!

"How do you feel? Sick or anything?" Blank asked.

"I'm okay." I replied. I was better than okay but he didn't need to know that.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Okay just one more little part. Roll over again so you're on your stomach or side facing away from me."

What was he up to now? I rolled to my side feeling too relaxed to roll over further. I liked sleeping on my side. Well I like sleeping in general. Maybe he was going to give me another massage?

I stiffened as I felt him pull my pants down a little ways. Then his finger was back at my cave. He pressed lightly against it with slight little give and takes.

Didn't he realize things came out not in? I tried to turn to look at him but he gently kept me still.

"Just relax. This won't take too long little blue." He said.

Relax? What was he planning to do! I should just ask him.

"Little blue?" I asked. Really that was the question my mind came up with?

He just kissed the back of my head. "You're adorable. Just relax and use your code words if you need to."

Blank reached over to a side table and picked something up.

"Huh what's that?" I asked.

"A certain type of lotion." He replied.

Lotion? Was he planning to give me a lotion massage of some sort?

Suddenly a slightly cold wet was smeared across my entrance. My mouth barely had the time to form an Oh. Before Blank's finger slipped inside of me with ease like it was right where it belonged. This must be what they called lubricant.

It wasn't even hard for him. It just slid right up. So easily it was insane. My whole body immediately clenched up at the foreign feeling. I felt Blank gently rubbing my back.

"Just relax." He said again.

It took another minute before I actually managed to relax a little. Even then I was still clenching myself against his finger firmly with muscles I rarely used. He slowly moved it around for a little bit. First he went in little circle like motions then he moved it in and out a little. After about half a minute he paused. Then he withdrew his finger. Why did I feel a wave of sadness as he withdrew?

"Still good?" Blank asked.

I hesitantly nodded.

Was this even the proper way to define the word good?

"That's everything" he said quietly. "Unless you want to be super boyfriendy and go further?"

"Further?" My eyes grew wide again.

"Um maybe another time? I'm um not quite, um you know. Another time. Later."

The rational part of my brain said never again why would you do this to yourself. The other side of my brain, the troublemaker had a different opinion though.

"I'm just going to go for the night." I said starting to move.

"Stay" Blank said softly pulling me back down.

Well staying another night wouldn't hurt right? I'd already stayed over a few times.

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