
First Promotion

Apollo flashed a smirk at Layla.

"I should be able to get a promotion with this."

Layla raised her hands in the air.

"Ohhh! Promotion!"

Apollo stepped into his shadow.

He felt a tugging force, which he followed.

After a few steps, Apollo found himself before the slightly parted eye.

He reached out, disappearing from the shadow world.

Like last time, Layla was already there waiting for him.

Her tail swayed from side to side.

"Hehe, what do you get from the promotion?"

Apollo shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess we'll find out."

Apollo walked up to the grey desk and flipped his coin.

Plumes of mist materialized.

Once his vision cleared, he saw a small bowl and the request paper next to it.

After a second of hesitation, Apollo took out the ten eagle berries and put them in the bowl.

Once the last eagle berry dropped inside, the bowl promptly disappeared into the mist.

The parchment tore in half while the mist grew in density.

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