
Justine's Naughty Boss


Just like some hunters like to toy with their prey, Emilia found it much more amusing to keep her 'prey' guessing what would come next. "Let's go for a walk?"

The ex-policewoman looked around suspiciously. "Eh, here? There's nothing but trees—"

Emilia shrugged. "So? The air is good, and I feel like walking. I've been stuffed into cars for too long today, anyway."

Justine sighed, knowing that this rich young missie was about as whimsical as she was cute, and there was no convincing her once she had her mind set on something.

The ex-officer locked her SUV first, then checked to make sure it was properly secured. And then checked once again, just to make double sure.

After all, she had bought it with the company funds, and if it got stolen, not only could she never pay it back, she would never be able to get her hands on such a sweet ride again!

Emilia chuckled. "You really like that thing, huh?"

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