
324. 4th Tag Battle

After the 3rd Tag Battle finished, Mira gets asked by Ben.

"Why were you getting angry at her?" asks Ben.

"Angry? I wasn't angry at her at all. I just didn't like the arrogance in her eyes that feels like she can do anything. It wasn't exactly the same, but it's still somewhat similar and that reminded me of my past a little which made me afraid. She might lose something precious if she keeps that attitude," says Mira.

"So you slammed her to the ground?" asks Ben.

"Well, I wanted to show her that the strength she is proud of is still nothing. Whatever it is that stays in her heart are blocking her growth. Unless she removes it, she will not be able to pass her limit," says Mira.

"Hmm, whatever, it's not really my problem. Anyway, we have a real problem now, the kids are in the hospital," says Ben.

"Huh? Why are they there?" asks Mira.

"They want to treat Lucy, so they went with Wendy just now. Laxus is also there, but I'm not sure if any of them can handle the kids," says Ben.

"Why don't you stop them?" asks Mira rather angrily.

"Well, I don't want them to see their mother bullies someone," says Ben.

Mira sighs before she leaves the stadium and goes to the hospital. Ben can't leave because he is the team's Captain. Cana & Freed also need to stay because it won't be a team if everyone leaves and Ben is the only one here.

The 4th match gets announced and it is between Gairy Tail A & Sabertooth. The ones chosen are the Dragon Slayers, which isn't that surprising for Ben. He knew that the organizer wants to put the most anticipated match last.

Most people are anticipating the battle of Sabertooth's Twin Dragons against Fairy Tail's Dragons. They are quite famous, after all, even though they aren't the strongest in their guilds. But they seem to be the most entertaining bunch.

Sting & Rogue against Natsu & Gajeel, it's the battle of 4 original Dragon Slayers. These 4 were taught by real Dragons, unlike Ben & Laxus. Well, Ben got his magic from a real Dragon, but he wasn't taught by the dragon, he is a self-learner, while Laxus uses a Dragon Lacrima.

"Heh, so a battle of 4 little Dragons is more interesting than a battle of Wizard Saints, huh?" asks Ben jokingly.

"The battle of Dragon against God also seems to be less entertaining," says Freed while remembering Laxus's battle against Orga, and Wendy against Sherria.

"What are you talking about?" asks Cana.

"We talk about the battle schedule. They usually put the most exciting battle last, so the previous battles must be less entertaining than this one," says Freed.

"Oh, is that so? That sucks," says Cana.

Ben & Freed sweatdrop because they don't know if she gets it or not. They ignore it though and continue to watch the battle that's about to start. Ben is very curious about what these little dragons are capable of.

The 4 fighters enter the arena and the Twin Dragons look excited by this match. It seems they have personal reasons to fight against Natsu & Gajeel. Not a problem though, it will just make this battle more interesting.

Gajeel has been healed totally from his injuries in the 2nd day's battle against Bacchus. His injuries weren't that bad actually, but Porlyusica still forbade him from joining the 3rd day's games. He accepted easily though because Levy was taking care of him.

Anyway, the 4 Dragon Slayers are having a conversation before the match. Sting & Rogue talk about how they've heard of Natsu & Gajeel, and their ambitions to surpass the 2. They also talk proudly about how they've killed their Dragon Parents, something that Natsu & Gajeel don't like at all.

After the talk, the match finally starts, and to the spectators' surprise, it's Sting & Rogue who get defeated in the first clash. Natsu kicks Sting in the face, while Gajeel punches Rogue. The twin Dragons slide across the arena before stopping quite far away.

Sting then sends his Dragon Slayer's signature attack, White Dragon's Roar. But his roar is not big & wide as the other Dragons' Roars. Sting's roar is narrow and fast like a laser, which almost hits Natsu by surprise, and then he moves it to Gajeel.

Gajeel can avoid it and then he blocks a slash attack from Rogue who suddenly appears there using his Iron Dragon Sword. Gajeel then sends Rogue flying between Natsu & Sting. Natsu runs and grabs Rogue's face before pushing him toward Sting.

The twin Dragons are standing side-by-side and then Natsu arrives in front of them. He covers both his arms with fire and then attacks the 2 with his arms. The twin Dragons get sent flying with that blow, and the audience gets more shocked.

But different from them, Ben is interested in something else, "White Dragon? I can understand the Shadow Dragon, but what about the white? What are its magic properties? White isn't a power, it's a color. Hmm, he said it's a holy power, but is that all? Also, if there's White Dragon, there might be Blue Dragon that used Blue Magic, and other colored Dragons that use Color Magic."

[Please refrain from thinking uselessly and just focus on the current event.]

Ben clicks his tongue and thinks, 'Well, doesn't matter what his magic properties are. I am quite interested in his narrow Dragon's Roar. It's the first time I see someone else other than me uses it.'

As you know, Ben's Sun Dragon Slayer Magic is composed of some elements. One of them is Light, and Ben's Sun Dragon's Light Roar is small & fast like Sting's White Dragon's Roar. It's just that Ben made it like that himself after doing research, while it seems that Sting's spell was the original one from the White Dragon.

'Quorra, focus your observation on Sting. His magic seems similar to Light Magic, so we might get a lot of useful data,' orders Ben in his mind.


Ben doesn't need to observe Natsu & Gajeel because he has done it many times. As for Rogue, his Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic is very different from Ben's magic. Quorra will still observe Rogue too though because there might be something useful, but her focus will be on Sting.

The battle continues and now Sting & Rogue use similar spells. They call them White Drive & Shadow Drive. Their bodies are now covered by White & Shadow auras. Their magic power also feels stronger now.

"Hoh, magic amplifying spell, huh? Interesting," says Ben while grinning.

"What is that?" asks Cana.

"Magic amplifying spell, a spell that enhances one's overall power. Their spells & physical power will become stronger than before," says Ben.

"Oh, that doesn't sound good for us," says Cana.

Ben doesn't say anything and just thinks of something else. Magic Amplify usually needs a source of magic power. Unless a Mage is very skillful at controlling his magic power, they will need another source of magic power to be used like buff spells or others' magic power.

'Hmm, this might be more interesting than I thought. No wonder Sabertooth really thinks highly of these kids,' thinks Ben while grinning widely.

There is no trace of worry on Ben's face even though Sting & Rogue use unusual spells. Gajeel & Natsu can lose if they want, and he still won't care. For now, Ben is more interested in getting data by observing the Twin Dragons.

He has a sinister grin & mumbles, "Don't disappoint me, my subjects."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 359 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 370 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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