
CHAPTER 23: Give me a drink

" WAIT! ", superman said. Pondering for a little bit, I stopped my escape. Should I really be running like this, I have no reason to run either way. But getting caught this early was not on my agenda. So I'll listen to what they say, for now...

' Good. He actually listened. But something isn't right... did he always look like that? No... he doesn't match the description that much anymore, he should have red eyes and be a bit shorter, but that glowing hair, it's definitely his, and the ancient said he had the same exact presence as he did back during the invasion '.

Superman thought to himself for a split second, " We mean you no harm... we just want to ask you some questions that's all, I am assuming that you can understand me? ", He said, inferring that small detail when the person before him stopped his actions.

MC: ' I think I should just go along with this... it gets me on their good side without causing too much chaos '. Nodding to him, we all descended to the ground and walked towards each other. The ancient one deciding to talk now.

" Lets talk somewhere else... do you mind if we switch locations? ", she said not making direct eye contact. A strange behavior for her, but thinking for a bit, I nodded once more. Before all of us at the scene got warped inside a interrogation room.


MC: ' What away to start a conversation '. I thought, bringing a being with unidentified power within a somewhat large dimly lit and tense room is totally recommended folks.

Not only did she teleport us that were there, she later teleported heroes from the main justice league and aged young justice, with the avengers and X-Men here too, an odd choice. But how in the bloody hell were they all suddenly dressed and conveniently available all of a sudden? And why were the ' young justice ' members all adults?

This is a surprise...

" I am truly sorry for the amount of guests here, please understand ". She said. This was way out of character for her to do... This AU is definitely starting to puzzle me.

" Before we continue the heroes wanted to thank you for helping them during the invasion of the city ". I nodded, a bit strange but I followed along.

" But first question... what are you? ". She didn't even hesitate in asking that one. Got to give her credit here, but if she asked that question, it meant that she most likely cant see into my future or fate, which was good. Still, I have to think carefully about my answer. What race would I be in the universe that was this powerful?

Fuck it, I'm creating a backstory on the spot.

" I am... a Metocarion ". I said, keeping as calm as possible.

" Good, second question... Why did you help us during the invasion? "

" ...I helped because your planet reminded me of my old home... my race were wiped clean off the face of the universe... due some random invasion as well. So I helped because I didn't want to see another race go extinct or ruled by ruthless scum... ". I said with a fake venom behind my voice.

I see some of the heroes face show a bit of empathy, but some not budging at all.

I was sure they couldn't read my mind either, since I practiced to build up my mental fortitude throughout my journey via meditation, so I was confident in that department...

" I see... third question. Why are you here on earth? ". She asked.

" As I've said earlier... this planet reminded me of my old home. So I wanted to reside here. I... haven't done anything if that's what you all are worrying about... other than getting the cloths. "

" I'm not buying this one bit... So you come to OUR, planet because it ' coincidentally ' reminds you of your past tensed race? Yeah right BUB. You might have saved the city and potentially the planet, but that doesn't mean we should trust you, at all ". ( we all know who said this. )

" Would you stop it! ", the woman said to her partner, before turning to me. " I'm sorry sir, he gets like this sometimes... my name is Jean... Jean grey ". She smiled.

' I got to say one thing, everyone here was fairly attractive. They were not like this in my past life at all. Jean was living proof of that. She was a beautiful in this reality, enough said. '

" COME ON! don't tell him your name! Are you really just gonna believe him? Just because he has a convenient backstory and looks a little sexy? ". Thinking back for a split second, he realized what he had just said, heroes looking towards him with a questioning gaze, with him visible blushing, then storming out of the room. ( we all know who said this again ).

' Ok then... '.

" Ahem!...I'm sorry for my friend there, he's just a little grumpy sometimes. Mind telling me your name now... by any chance? I would Love to get to know earths savior", Jean said.

' She was definitely into me, the visible blush the posture and constant avoiding of direct eye contact were the major indicators. I was not mad, I was handsome in the last life too, but I'm not sure how attractive I am right now in this one, I haven't checked in months. '

' This strangely feels like a drama/romance plot building up for some reason... '. I shrugged, smiled and gave her my name.

" My name is Y/N, great to meet you as well miss Jean ".

' I feel like I am going to need a drink for what's going to happen in the future '.









it ain't a romance but it'll have to do.

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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