
Add Two Zeros

A loud sound rang.

Joseph knelt on the ground and covered his ears with his hands. His ears were ringing.

His vision swam diagonally. He could still see Isabella wipe away her tears, rub her nose triumphantly in front of him, and then go round him, open the door and run away.

Damn it! The door was closed. How could grandpa suddenly appear?

He actually believed all the crap about being abused by her stepfather, and felt pity for her for a moment.

This damn cunning woman!

Isabella ran upstairs and locked the door, and then moved the bedside table to block the door.

Although that hit could only let Joseph's ears ring for minutes, it was enough for her to run upstairs, lock the door and arrange things.

Although a door could not stop aggressive Joseph, Charlie was still at home. "Good grandson" Joseph should not smash the door tonight. As for tomorrow...

Isabella lay tiredly on her back on the bed and sighed.

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