
USJ Incident (1)

Chapter 66: USJ Incident (1)

"It's the serial robber and murderer Habit Headgear!"

Some civilians yelled in fright as they observed the large disfigured man grabbing a family of three with his huge arms.

The heroes, Kamui Wood and Mt. Lady, were rendered useless against the villain because of the hostage.

"Ugh… this guy."

Mt. Lady groaned to herself and glared at the villain who was laughing.

She was thinking about what to do, what to try, however, she couldn't see any possible action that would not hurt the civilian.

Just then, with a distinctive laugh of a man in a million clouded the area as with a yellow flash, a coat wearing All Might brushed past Mt. Lady and struck the villain in the neck, knocking him out cold.

"Fear not, good family. I am here!"

He gave them a smirk before his ears twitched and he waved them off, kicking the ground and vanishing away.

Mt. Lady smiled wryly, rubbing her injured elbow. She appreciated the No. 1's help, but this way, she and the other heroes in this city would be out of business.



All Might coughed in his fist, groaning.

He was rushing towards a scream for help he just heard. But if he keeps doing this, he'd barely hold in for the special class today by the time he reaches UA.

30 minutes. That's his limit now.

It's been almost a year since he passed down One for All to Mirio Togata. Since then, he has weakened… a lot. Truthfully, he'd have weakened more than that if not for Nighteye's stern guidance. All Might liked the man for this because if not for him, he would have probably lost the 'torch' left by the last bits of One for All.

Well, though that torch would probably turn into a mere spark after today's… 'Rescue Training'.



"For today's basic Hero Training, All Might, myself, and another will supervise."

The students around me started muttering at Aizawa's words. They assumed something special would happen today as well, unlike yesterday's Class President selection.

"Sensei!" Sero raised his arm. "What will we be doing exactly?"

Aizawa nodded. "We will be preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods. We will be doing Rescue Training!!"

The students got an immediate reaction out of this.

"Uh, sounds like another hard day for us."

"Guess we will go home tired again.

Ida raised his hand at this. "Sensei, a question! If UA is going to teach us Recusing now, why was there a rescue exam at the entrance?"

Aizawa nodded. "It was to prove your worth. You only learned about rescuing in books in Middle school, putting it to practical use just from that was a huge feat for you guys. However, you guys barely got any rescue points… except for some people. So this training today is essential."

"Ah, I understand!" Ida nodded and bowed lightly.

"Okay, in that case…" Aizawa clicked a button on the remote on his hand as multiple suitcases with numbers, 1 to 20, written on them, popped up out of the wall. They were the Hero Costumes. "If you're comfortable in your costumes, as in, you can move freely and it boosts your battle ability, you may wear your costumes. Or not, it's your choice."


The training site is a bit remote, so we were going there by bus.

Wearing my hero costume, I sat with Tsuyu on my left and Momo on my right. Uraraka was ignoring me, I guess, trying to make her heart forget about me.

I kinda feel bad, ugh. I forgot that flirting with a teenager can cause many mishaps. For example, if I had done the same with Midnight, I doubt something like this would have happened…

Anyway, enough of that.

"Hey, Neji. Ribbit."

The frog girl from beside me called with a finger in her lips.

"You and Nejire senpai are siblings?"

I turned to her. "I guess our name gives it away."

Tsuyu nodded. "I was doubtful at first because of your different looks, but I guess now that you're dating Momo, the other possibility must be inaccurate."

Oh, if only you knew. I watched Momo holding back a giggle at this.

"Yeah!" Kirishima clapped his hands. "How does it feel like being the little brother of one of the Big Three?!"

I smiled wryly.

I wanted some peace of mind before the fight today.

Guess talking to kids about how flashy quirks would be popular, and whatnot, was not that bad of a time pass.


Neji wasn't nervous, but he was wary. With all the changes he was seeing and knowing Izuku's connection with All for One, he had enough reason to believe that this USJ might end differently than Canon.

And… he was right.


By the time the students reached USJ, they were greeted by the space hero Thirteen.

"The floor zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone. Every disaster and accident you can imagine, you can find it here."

The Pro Hero explained.

"Whoa! Is this Universal Studios Japan?!"

The students moved their heads around the area, even Neji was impressed. He was more impressed hearing Thirteen's next words.

"I built this facility myself. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

"It really is USJ!"

The students laughed to themselves at the naming reference.

"And it's really Thirteen!!"

Uraraka finally seemed cheerful.

"I love Thirteen! He's a gentleman-hero who boasts about rescuing!"

The public didn't know that Thirteen was a female because the Hero always wore her costume.

While the students chatted, Aizawa leaned over to Thirteen.

"Thirteen, where is All Might?"

Thirteen sounded hesitant. "About that senpai…" she sighed and lowered her voice. "It seems something is wrong with student Mirio. His quirk is acting weird… so All Might was urged to go to him immediately."

"..." Aizawa frowned but a sigh soon left him.

Mirio is quite well known to the teachers. He is also the most suited candidate for the next symbol of peace, so All Might gives him special care. However, the more important truth is, Mirio supposedly 'unlocked' a strengthening quirk in the middle of his 2nd year, which was very suspicious to Aizawa, and that's when All Might also join the school too.

Aizawa could draw some conclusions easily, but he didn't want to pry too much. To begin with, Mirio isn't a first-year, and All Might is not someone who Aizawa doubts of any evil.

"So be it, let's continue."

He decided to be more cautious just in case because if Mirio is in a serious condition, All Might wouldn't be able to come here at all.

Muttering something to Aizawa, Thirteen then walked over to the students.

"I have one or two points to talk about." She paused briefly before raising another finger. "No, three points." After another short silence, she raised another finger. "Make that four, please."

After an awkward laugh from the students, she continued.

"As you know, my quirk is called <Black Hole> which can suck in and tear apart… anything."

"And you use it to rescue people!"

She nodded. "Indeed… and if used wrong, even by accident, my quirk can kill people."

An eerie silence fell over the students. They were teenagers, killing was… unnerving to them.

"I am sure some of you have similar quirks." Thirteen continued. "If you're not careful, you can accidentally kill people, you can take actual lives."

"In your game with Aizawa, you learned to utilise your capabilities without hurting each other, however, in All Might's battle training, you learned the opposite. In today's test, you'd learn… how to save lives."

Every one of the students curled their lips upwards.

"I will be glad to teach you, and you must also learn attentively how you can save people."

She then bowed. "That's all, thanks for listening."

"So awesome…" Uraraka muttered.

"Great, so now-"

Aizawa started, but his eyes landed on the dark, most suddenly forming on the floor below them. His eyes formed a frown before widening in shock.

Two black-skinned creatures with their brains visible peeked out of the warp gate as a man covered in hands stood behind them.

"Everyone, get back!!"




Author's Note: The League of Villains is here. This time, there was no All Might to fight off the Nomu, or should I say Nomus? Would Neji alone be fine?

Also, what Tier do you think the Canon Nomu was?

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