
Chapter 21: Evan

Those damn traitors.

It was wrong of me to blame the other guys for doing exactly what Coach said, but if there was one thing I didn't need, it was a pep talk, and that was Coach's favorite go to when someone on the team was not pulling their weight right.

Still, they cleared away pretty quickly while I was marched into Coach's office and sat down on an old, ratty sofa while he sat comfortably behind his desk.

"Now, Evan," he started, linking his hands to-gether and leveling me with a stern look. "Are you going to tell me what was going on with you out there, or do I have to ask?"

I hesitated. "Um... Coach..."

"Don't think you're getting out of this easy, kid. I wasn't joking out there when I said I'd bench you. Even if you're a star player, if your head is somewhere else and I let you on that field, not only will our team lose, you can get yourself injured not paying attention. Football is a contact sport, if you head isn't there with you, you get hurt."

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