

"Now go," Mical said to Denzel.

Denzel's eyesight cleared and he could see his dad. It felt like he was in a trance. With the way it looked to him, he could see Leia toying with the mortal body of his father, inscribing M.D on his body.

"You are dead, Leia! I would kill you!" Denzel yelled, getting up to his feet, running towards Pete afterwards. His eyes were completely red, it seemed like they were bleeding. His eyeballs were no more in place.

Slowly as he ran, the hair he dyed black was returning to its original colour, blonde, but it was brighter than it normally was, the colour looked like it was fading away.

From that moment onwards, Denzel didn't say a thing again. He was completely mute.

"Den--zel..." Chris muttered a bit when he saw Denzel's rage. He saw that Denzel ran towards Pete at full speed, and he wanted to say something to caution him.

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