
461. Cutting Red Line

A massive bluish-white cross-slash attack energy is flying toward the Red Line from Buggy's sword attack. That attack is aimed at Red Line, but everyone in Sabaody feels as if they've been slashed by a sword that makes the ordinary people faint of shock.

Even the people on Marie Geoise on top of the Red Line and New Marineford, formerly known as G1 base on the other side of the Red Line feel uneasy. They can feel a mysterious pressure, but they don't know where it came from. They will find it out soon though as Buggy's massive attack finally hits the Red Line.

Buggy's massive cross-slash attack energy finally hits the red wall. The crossing point is flying lower, but the attack is actually aimed upwards. So the upper parts of the flying slash attack are bigger and stronger than the lower parts.

When the cross-slash attack hits the Red Line, Marie Geoise is shaken slightly. They wondered what's going on as the cross-flying slash attack penetrates the hard and thick red wall. Buggy looks as the lower parts sink in and disappear while the upper parts keep moving up the wall.

There is no trace of the attack on the red wall even after the cross-slash attack penetrated it. So Buggy can only look at the massive upper parts of his slash attack that keeps climbing the red wall diagonally in different directions as if they are making a V from below.

Even those parts disappear as they get higher and higher. Buggy finally shifts his attention to the Red Line's area in front of him. He grins widely before crouching on the tree branch and taking the denden mushi's microphone beside him.

"Get ready, Cricket! It's going to fall."

Right after Buggy tells that to Cricket through the phone, he suddenly sees the Red Line move. Some people also see it and thought they are just imagining it. But they all widen their eyes when the movement becomes faster and clearer.

A V-shaped part of the Red Line is actually getting separated and sliding down the colossal wall. It slides to New World after Buggy's all-out slash attack cut that part. He managed to cut the indestructible Red Line with his slash.

Of course, Buggy was using all his power on that attack. He used all his haki power, his swords' devil fruit abilities, swordsmanship, physical power, and most importantly his awakened Chop Chop Fruit power. His awakened devil fruit can chop everything, but only with his other power added could he increase the range and effect to this degree.

He has just cut a few kilometers wide and more than 10 kilometers high Red Line that is also known for being very hard and sturdy too. His cross-slash attack actually passed through the Red Line to New World. But the lower parts lost their energy quickly as the energy was focused on the upper parts that were used to cut more than 10 kilometers worth of Red Line wall.

Everyone in Sabaody is looking with widened eyes as the Red Line is falling to the other side. Those in the New Marineford are now panicking because the falling Red Line looks very clear from there. They have just moved their main HQ here because Marineford was destroyed too much, but now something like this happens.

Although their location isn't that close to the falling Red Line and they won't get crushed, they are still quite close. The impact of the falling Red Line will surely implicate them. At the very least, the tsunami caused by the falling land will drown New Marineford and a few nearby islands.


Fujitora immediately uses a metal plate to help him float. Then Kizaru pushes him and they fly together toward the falling Red Line at a very high speed. After they left, Aramaki the new Admiral places his hands on the ground.

Then a lot of big thorny vines grow on all sides of the island. They keep growing until they cover the entire New Marineford like a dome. Then from the top of the base building, Aokiji shoots his ice and freezes Aramaki's vine dome, covering the island with a very thick ice dome barrier to protect it from the tsunami.

Meanwhile, Kizaru and Fujitora are still flying toward the Red Line. The Marine's response was quick, but not quick enough. While Kizaru and Fujitora are rushing toward the falling land, it finally slid off the Red Line.

After all, Buggy pushed it to fall faster using a spiral blunt slash attack. A swordsman at his level can easily make a sword slash that won't cut anything. But it's very powerful that it can dent the hard and tough Red Line.

Though his purpose is just to push the detached Red Line. He doesn't want to give the trash on Marie Geoise any chance to escape. Well, some of them might be able to escape, but they won't be able to save everybody.

His only concern is the normal people there, but he has made an arrangement for them. While Marie Geoise is falling, a lot of ninjas from Wano and a bunch of men from Clown Pirates' subordinate spy unit are moving to save the normal people there.

After all, Marie Geoise is also used to cross Red Line for those who have money, so there are normal people too. Also, there are still a number of slaves that couldn't be saved before. So they still have a lot of people to save.

Taking advantage of the panic, the men that Buggy sent move quickly to rescue the people. They have known all the locations of those they need to save, so they can move efficiently. These men are moving openly, but no one pays them any attention because the guards and agents are prioritizing the Celestial Dragons.

Buggy's men have started rescuing people when Marie Geoise finally drops as the chopped land finally gets separated from Red Line and drops into the sea. Its fall is much faster than when it slid off the Red Line because there's only water below it.

Everyone gets even more panic as they feel the fall. Buggy's men move very quickly and take everyone they need to rescue as the land is falling. For people of their levels, moving very quickly in this situation is doable even though it's not so easy too.

The agents and guards are also trying their best to save the Celestial Dragons including the 5 Elders who seem very shocked. They never thought that someone would actually attack the Red Line itself instead of Marie Geoise like the attack last year.

Then when they are panicking about the falling city, a gigantic being is diving down from the clouds. Everyone widens their eyes as they see a gigantic Dragon with blue scales surrounded by red clouds descending from the sky. The 5 Elders widen their eyes as they are reminded of a figure, Kaido.


"Then it must be the current user of that fruit. We have searched it for years but couldn't even catch a wind of it."

The Azure Dragon lands on the falling land, just beside Marie Geoise. It looks at the 5 elders while grinning before roaring at the city. Right after it roars, a lot of shadowy figures run toward it. They are Buggy's men who rescued the normal people and slaves that they carry on their backs.

These men have rescued as many people as they can in this short amount of time. Of course, they can't save everybody, but they've saved the most important people like children and women. They jump onto the Azure Dragon's back that came here to pick them up.

But the Azure Dragon doesn't leave immediately, it looks around the city first. Then suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes in front of the Dragon. Enel suddenly appears on the Dragon's head and he also scans the whole city.

"There are still some people left."

Enel extends his hands forward and releases a lot of lightning bolts. They go all over the city and then many people suddenly get thrown high above the buildings. These people are unconscious because of the electric shock that sent them flying.

The Azure Dragon spreads its flame cloud to catch the thrown people. Only after Enel confirmed that all their targets have been rescued that it takes off the falling land. The 5 Elders really want to attack it, but right now their priority is saving themselves and the Celestial Dragons as the Dragon's jump makes the land falls faster.

They are thinking of a solution when the falling speed suddenly slows down. It still falls at a high speed, but it surely has slowed down. Fujitora and Kizaru have arrived and they try to slow it down using their power.

Obviously, Fujitora uses his Gravity to hold the falling land, while Kizaru tries to slow it down using the impact of his Light bullets. But this falling land is far too massive and heavy even for Fujitora. Even with Kizaru's little help, the land still falls very quickly.

"Borsalino-san, this land is too big and heavy. The upper part is gradually being wider and it's very thick. It's even bigger than most big islands."

"Just do your best, Issho! We should at least try."

Both of them are doing their best, but their enemies won't let them do more than this. The Clown Pirates know that if the Admirals push themselves to the limit, then there is a chance for them to stop the falling land. So they need to disturb the Admirals, and the one who does it is Enel.

He could already hear the 2 Admirals when he was assisting in the rescue on Marie Geoise. So after the rescued people left with the Azure Dragon, he descended to attack the 2 Admirals. He attacked them using powerful lightning pillars that struck from the sky.

The 2 Admirals managed to defend themselves, but they are forced to stop their attempt to slow down the falling land. They are surprised to see Enel and get even more surprised seeing the land falls faster because Enel sends a lot of lightning strikes on Marie Geoise to push the falling land down.

Then, before Kizaru and Fujitora can try to slow down the fall again, the chopped Red Line finally crashed onto the bottom of the sea. It causes a massive impact on the sea that sends water everywhere, creating a massive tsunami that spreads everywhere as if it will swallow the New World itself.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 498. War of Punks

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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