
The Helper of All

Pylaieus lead through a castle made entirely of blue ice, and Aelanor shuddered. She hated the cold winds in these high mountains, albeit it was considerably lesser than what one would expect at such height. There was some magic working in whole of the Dream Isles that kept the frozen water warm enough to walk even barefoot.

The group made it to the Queen's chambers . The huge silver door opened to a , at the end of which were two giant claws of white ice, each two feet wide . And in between was a sparkling chandelier made of ice, with shards poking out every which way. Beneath the chandelier that was entirely made of icicles, was Queen Elektra.

The Queen's azure eyes travelled over to the group, and her lips relaxed into a smile. She got up from her throne and approached the party. She was draped in a periwinkle dress; her silver hair flowing behind her and radiating an unearthly glow. Her pale skin looked translucent in the bright lights of the court.

She held out a hand to the two Princesses as she reached them. Unsure what to do, Aelanor made a slight curtsy and planted a swift kiss on her hand. She could not help but notice that while the whole of Isles seems to be like the approaching winter, Queen Elektra's hand was of the temperature of Death.

Elektra smiled at Aelanor, at apparent pleasure of her knowing the ways of the world.

"Princess Aelanor, Princess Saayan, what an honour! It has been centuries since creatures from the other realms have visited us in these parts. Welcome," Elektra said.

"Which must be a surprise, I am sure," Saayan said, though , she could not roll her eyes physically.

"And the young ones, Nimuel and Haz'th. I trust you have had a great to our lands?"

"We did."

"Indeed, Queen."

"Your Highness, we have come to ask for your help in a matter of grave importance," Aelanor began, but Elektra cut her off.

"You all must be tired. May I suggest you retire to the rooms that has been prepared in anticipation of your arrival, and we can discuss the matter at length in the evening, at the palace hall, where a Royal Banquet has been prepared in your honour."

The group looked a little offended, but said nothing as they left with Pylaieus to their chambers.

A bright blue fire was burning in the room where the party arrived. The room was so big that there was no reason to have separate rooms, but Aelanor was still a little uneasy with spending time with creatures she barely knew. Nimuel and Haz'th, on the other hand, seemed perfectly comfortable with each other, and had already started throwing pillows at each other.

Aelanor was so absorbed in watching them, she had not realised that Saayan was standing next to her for the last couple of minutes, until the latter spoke.

"Those two seem to like this place."

Aelanor said, "They sure do. And each other, too."

"I would suppose that is quite understandable. They are, after all, very much alike," Saayan responded.

Aelanor took a step back and looked right at her.

"Well, why wouldn't they be? After all, they are half-siblings, aren't they, Princess?"

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