
Even More Sadly

Balaur was stunned for a moment before he slowly shook his head, a smile spreading across his face and rustling his thick, white beard. He didn't know why he had ever expected to hear a different answer than this one.

There was nothing in life worth getting if it was too easy. At least, that was what people said. 

Ryu wasn't sure if he believed this entirely. It sounded like a saying that meant well but was actually terrible when put into practice. However, when it came to reaching that mountain top, he couldn't agree with it anymore. 

With how fast Ryu was progressing, he felt it wouldn't even be more than a few centuries before he was untouchable… But then what? He felt that existence would be quite hollow and meaningless if he reached that mountain top too quickly. 

He knew himself well. He would be immensely unsatisfied. The only saving grace would be that he would have his wives by his side, but as another saying went… It was lonely at the top. 

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