
Chapter 69

The sun was on the horizon, sinking into the sea, and even after hours since the emergency was called, the people on the Island could still see the rippling shockwaves that made them dizzy.

It was the day that would later be remembered as Judgement Day on Sabaody because people really felt like the world was ending.

All the events in the afternoon and night were cancelled, and the battalions of Marines blocked all access to the Western Mangroves where the two monsters were fighting.

The entire Island had shockwaves washing over it from time to time.

Thousands of Pirates, who were trying to flee the lawless zones, ended up in the cells onboard the Marine vessels after they lost consciousness, and hundreds of crews lost their dreams of making it to the New World in just a matter of a few hours.

The Celestial Dragons were all now locked up in the Hotel Town, guarded by the Marine Admirals Kizaru and Sakazuki themselves, and by 5 p.m., half of the Marine Forces from G1 were already on the Island.

"How long do they plan on keeping going-yo?" Kizaru looked at the red streaks of lightning that were flashing up every few seconds from the 17th Grove, and in his heart, he was a little apprehensive at the potency of the Hakis that were contending against each other.

On his side was a tall muscular man, wearing a red shirt under his Admiral Coat, and his eyes were dangerously narrowed as he looked in the direction of the 17th Grove, not liking how the clashes of those two swordsmen were disrupting his Observation Haki, preventing him from snooping on them and from keeping a check on the Island.

He was on the edge of his patience now, and if it was not for the Fleet Admiral warning him against engaging Mihawk and Sin, he would have already pushed the two of them off the Island.

He had his pride and confidence, and it was not unfounded.

However, after witnessing and experiencing the ripples of their Haki for hours, he now realised in his heart that if he confronted them, it would lead to devastation.

"Report! There are still no signs of Boa Hancock and Jewelry Bonney. They are likely on the 17th Grove, watching the battle."

The voice of a Marine Officer sounded out from the transceiver, and a vein popped up on Sakazuki's forehead.

He did not know why he had an inkling feeling that Sin and Mihawk were up to something.

There was more to this duel than what appeared.

"I am going to the 17th Grove." He said and started walking in the direction, and angrily growled when Kizaru blocked his way.

"We have our orders. And mine are to keep you in check-yo." The Light Man seriously looked him in the eyes, and Akainu realised that he would not be allowed to leave his post.

Then again, they had to guard the damned Celestial Drgaons who were inside the Hotels they were protecting. And they had to make sure that no harm came to them.

If anything happened to them, they had a lot to lose.

"Damn you!" He cursed and then turned around, walking inside the Hotel, no longer willing to stay out there with him.

Kizaru sighed as he watched his colleague relent, and then turned to watch the two Hakis clash against each other one more time.

"You truly are a nuisance-ne." He took a deep breath and tried to focus again, using his Observation Haki to keep an eye on the surroundings. However, those ripples kept disrupting it, and he really felt like he was back in his training days.

Away from the Admirals, very near the source of all the trouble, Jinbe was sweating as he watched the two madmen fighting against each other, wearing crazy grins on their faces.

They seemed to have no care, whatsoever, about the havoc that they had caused, and even after hours, they two did not seem like they wanted to end this duel.

They did not even seem tired!

He could see that Sin was relatively weaker than the World's Strongest Swordsman, at least, that was what the cuts on his body reflected, where not a single one was present on Mihawk. But then again, he was not using his Devil Fruit powers in this duel. Perhaps, if he did, he could have avoided getting those cuts.

However, what truly made him apprehensive was that there had not been even the slightest drop in the intensity of his Haki.

Scarily enough, Jinbe felt like it was even more potent than before.

It would have been a lie if he said that he regretted coming here, rather he was quite excited to watch such a good duel. He could not remember the last time he had felt his blood boiling in such excitement and his heart palpitating in fear at the same time.

Since he was quite close to the two, he was facing the full brunt of their Conqueror's Will. It was truly a test of his Will and a constant struggle as he fought to keep his consciousness, and right now, he was visibly quite tired.

Jinbe was sure that if those two kept going, he would be the one to pass out of exhaustion first, just sitting under this tree.

He audibly sighed as the weakness started creeping in, and inadvertently turned to glance to his left, and his heart nearly stopped.

There, far away from him, there was someone else sitting under a tree as well. It was an old man with long white hair, wearing a pair of glasses, and sipping on a bottle of Whiskey as he interestedly watched the duel.

And Jinbe could clearly see that he was not even bothered by the ripples of the Conqueror's Haki.

"Dark King." He apprehensively murmured the name of the old man, whom he had first seen in his life when was very young, back on Fishmen Island when the Roger Pirates had visited it.

Dark King, Silvers Rayleigh, was a former Pirate, the Vice-Captain of the Roger Pirates, and one of the most dangerous Pirates that ever existed.

He subconsciously gulped when he met the old man's eyes and saw him smile at him, and he immediately nodded his head in a greeting before he turned his face away and focused on watching the duel.

However, soon he heard some heavy footsteps, and a few minutes later, he saw someone walk out of the woods, holding a book in his hand.

It was none other than his fellow Warlord, Bartholomew Kuma, and both Sin and Mihawk pulled away from each other, and the former panted as he nodded to the latter.

The fight was over, and both of them put their blades back on their backs.

Jinbe curiously watched Sin walk up to the Tyrant, and when he arrived in front of him, the Tyrant leaned in to say something in his ear.

The Fishman frowned when he could not hear what he said even with his Observation Haki, and he understood that Sin was blocking anyone from eavesdropping on them.

His mastery over his Haki was quite ridiculous, and what was terrifying was that he was still a young kid who would undoubtedly only grow stronger.

Kuma left right after he said his words, and Sin stood there, wearing a frown on his face.

It took a good minute for him to finally snap out of whatever he was thinking, and then he turned to look his way and smiled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, there's only one Restaurant open on the Island right now. Let's head there." He said, and Jinbe just nodded to him before he got up on his feet.

"You are both impressive." He said, and Mihawk did not react to his words, but Sin grinned.

"Still a long way to go for me. But it was fun." He nodded and then turned to look at the old man who was sitting under the Tree.

"Excuse the old man, he has just had his meal." Rayleigh raised his bottle of Whiskey, and Sin nodded to him before he suddenly placed his hands on their shoulders, and then they were odd to somewhere at a blinding speed.

Jinbe only spanned out of the trance when he found himself present on the other side of the Island, right in front of a restaurant.

"Quite a convenient power you have there." Mihawk smiled as he walked forward.

"Thanks." Sin chuckled and followed him inside.

The restaurant was quite empty, and the two waiters behind the desk were alarmed at their arrival.

Since they did not come forward to guide them, they randomly chose a table and approached it.

"How's Hachi doing?" Jinbe asked when the three of them took their seats, and the Captain of the Blackstar Pirates smiled.

"He's doing great. And he's a fun companion, loyal and hard-working. There's nothing more a captain can ask for."

"He's always been kind." Jinbe nodded, and he was quite happy in his heart as he could sense not a shred of malice in Sin's voice against their kind. It was clear that he did not care if Hachi was a Fishmen. "Thank you for letting Arlong's crew return to the Island. These Kids were only following his orders, angry and confused over what happened to the Sun Pirates, and Arlong... he became cruel." He sighed.

The waiters finally dared to approach them, and they did not have to worry long for their food since they were the only customers present there.

It was a pleasant dinner where Sin and Jinbe chatted with each other about different things, and Mihawk barely said anything or joined their conversation.

The Strongest Swordsman left as soon as he finished his meal, leaving behind an eternal log pose on the table, which Sin silently picked up and put in his pocket.

"More duels?"

"Yes." He laughed and then continued with their conversation. "So, what's Whitebeard like?"


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