

In a loud space surrounded by a endless void sat an amalgamation of energy's, giving off different feelings like life, death, extreme cold and extreme heat, making any normal person who sees this extremely confused at how something that goes against their common sense can exist.

In front of the energy sits a giant rip in the void as a massive storm is spreading and ripping everything to shreds, it's clear if it grows bigger the Omniverse is in danger.

The mass of energies seems to be wandering around aimlessly until it runs into a small white ball of light that's also floating through the void.

Seeing this the mass of energies seems to think it found what it's looking for as it merged with this ball until it seems to phase out until it disappears.

But instead of not existing anymore, it appears to have become apart of the void itself, making the once raging storm go calm like it's been silenced by its parent, and the tear in the void repairs itself instantly.

|Time Skip ??? Time|

"Ugh where am i? why can't i feel anything?…oh yea i died…well shit" the ball of light, previously the human Luis, is going through his memories of dying while cursing under his breath.

<Welcome to the Void Space, Master>

Luis was interrupted by a smooth melodious- just kidding there was no voice, it was like a sentence was transmitted to his soul. Like reading a text message.

"What the hell is the Void Space, why am i here, and why do you call me master? i can infer on the first 2 but would still like clarification."

<I will try to answer this in a way you would be familiar with. The Void Space is the home of Cosmic energy, it is also the birthplace of Primordial Laws, which are the original and more powerful version of ordinary laws>

<You are an abnormality, you should not be here normally. The Will of The Omniverse has chosen you to be the next Primordial Entity King, or The One Above All. To Stand above all life forms>

<Since the Void was in danger the Will chose you to be the vessel of all Cosmic Energy and Primordial Laws to establish a link to keep the Omniverse intact>

"And What's my job as the new Entity King?"

<Your job is to live, that's it, live however you want. Previous Entity Kings have killed themselves by destroying their essence because they were bored living eternity by themselves, based on your memories you could do plenty things such as visit those 'Anime' worlds you like so you could explore, be a hero, be a villain, whatever you want as long as you have fun>

"Haha! Hell yea! i get to live my own desires with enough power so nobody can stop me? Wait can i bring Aya with me?!"

<The Mortal? If you turn her into a Cosmic Being as well then yes. But keep in mind with you new body, your first 'partner' will be seen as your First Wife and be given the title of Entity Queen, whilst your future wives would be Goddesses>

"I have no problem with Aya being here with me, and we've discussed what we would do in a situation like this before and i was approved to have a Harem, so that's not a problem either. The problem is loyalty and how strong my wives would be"

<No need to worry, for loyalty you could make a skill for it to keep them loyal. Strength wise since you are the Entity King as well as merged personally with All Cosmic Energy and Primordial Laws your power over Laws and such are Infinite. Their power would only be weaker than the Entity Queen>

After a few more words and flashbacks of Aya, Luis got to making skills.

(A/N: Should i make a chapter about some more of Aya and Luis's Relationship background or should i just drop keypoints/flashbacks?)


[Mark of Eden]: Marking a lover can turn them into a Goddess, effectively making them immortal and ensuring mutual love. (Note: Cannot create feelings, only works with both parties full consent, if they don't truly want it down to a soul level the mark will not take place)

[Garden of Eden]: Inner World with the purest energy for all types, only marked people or those with Eden blood can enter.

[Cooking Saint]: Can make the best food, Food can heal injuries and mental state. and induce any effect in the food.

[Entity King]: Contains All abilities of the Entity King {Click to expand on an ability}, such as Omnipresence, Omni-Element control, Omni-Law control, Power to take away/bestow abilities, Omni-Race, etc.

[Omni-Race]: Can summon the traits of any race in the Omniverse at will, Has the Most Noble and Pure Bloodline of those races. Can also control the bloodline purity of those races.

[Sexual Skills]: Never will your girl leave unsatisfied.


'that should be good for now, time to design my appearance and go to get Aya.'

After 5 Minutes of designing his dream appearance he decided to go by the name 'Eden' since it is his middle-name and the name his mom wanted to originally give him.

"Alright, time to go grab my wife before she does something stupid~"

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