
Jin Vs Everyone part 2

(Unknown P.O.V)

It came into being knowing hunger. The first few minutes of it's setience were spent devouring the flesh of it's host. It's hunger was insatiable and reigned over it's other functions. Functions it would later learn were to enhance the parameters of it's bonded host without any detrimental effects. 

So on it sought out more biomass to feed and as a result, devoured it's creator therefore gaining a limited form of sapience. It finally understood how the good doctor had created it. The vision dr. Anslow T Raymond had had about it's future as the alternative to mass recruitment when it came to the army and other security departments. The progress in medical care through curing incurable diseases. And it also understood where the good doctor had gone wrong.

It's whole cellular make up was designed with Blackout aka Farooq Gibran's d.n.a. Therefore it had adopted his hunger. Deducing all that made it come to one logical conclusion. It would have to bond with Blackout. His unique physiology had adopted a hunger for electricity that would provide enough energy to sustain it without resulting to devouring it's host to survive. Most metas would eventually get tired after using their abilities but Farooq Gibran had an alternative means to recover energy without resting. Not to mention how compatible they were to each other. That was the only way to ensure that it wouldn't keep on devouring it's hosts. And so it did.

(Jin's P.O.V)

Funnily enough I only noticed I was shirtless after patting myself down for injuries. 

"Have I gotten bigger?"

I wondered as I looked closely at my body. 

"Nows not the time Jin. You've got some ass kicking to do."

I said to myself. Oh and look at that, our first contender is here.

Ok duck, step in closer then a shot to the ribs. Bang! 

A loud sound exploded from where my fist had made contact with Girder's iron body. My knuckles hurt a bit despite the recent power-up I had gotten to my physique from the serum.

Girder didn't even flinch.

"Hahaha that tickles."

I shook my hand. Well now I know my upper limit using body strength alone.

"I'm guessing you're also as hard headed right? In that case let's try something else."

I spread my water sense outwards and readied myself but stumbled.

Oh shit. 

I jumped back quickly as Girder's fist found itself buried on the floor right where I had been standing.

Somehow...they were countering my water sense. I had a guess as to who and the how. Just before I had cut off my water sense I sensed a lot of static coming from the guy in the helmet and whether intentional or not he was messing with my sensing. I danced around Girder's blows as I thought to myself. Without water sense, my combat ability was down to 90%.  Water sense worked well with seamless evasion as well as my water control so they had me at a disadvantage without it. Not that I was helpless or anything, I immediately started forming clouds above the sky.

Girder was all power and no skill so when he overshot his hand I was quick to prove him why having iron skin didn't equate to might. A shockwave formed on my fist as I aimed for his elbow. It didn't break but he screamed in pain and a spike shot out off his shoulder to skewer me. I dodged it and stepped back.

'So he's not just a turtle he's also a hedgehog. I wonder what else can he do?'

His left hand was on his right one and he seemed to be in pain.

"You fucking bastard. I'm gonna kill you. Haaa!!"

He picked up a book shelf and threw it towards me. I stepped to the right and watched it go by me before the wind carried it behind and around my body to finally shoot it back at twice the speed.

"Take it back. You need to read more than I do."

I snarked back. Ok I can see why spiderman likes to do this with his villains.

"Ughhhh!!! I swear I'll kill you or my name is not Iron Edge!"

Iron edge? I thought his canon name was Girder? Oh well, this isn't canon anymore. My presence made sure of that. The big guy was lumbering towards me like a speeding truck. Let's see how much he can take. I pushed off from the floor, the air adding to the momentum formed by the shockwaves behind me. Iron edge didn't even have time to stop before I released a Great breakthrough through my foot to his chest. 

The blow made him shoot off like a rocket through the house and out onto the yard. His body skipped on the ground and he impacted a tree and broke through it before lying on the yard limp. 

I stepped out of the massive hole on the wall Iron Edge had made and out into the open. A skin tight layer cosmic water armor surrounding my form. A bunch of weapons were cocked. I looked around at my opponents. Some were wide-eyed like Eiling and others like Bette were wary and aiming their guns at me. 

"Um...guys, do you mind me grabbing a shirt? It's kinda chilly. No? Ok then where were we?"

Impact/ Bette Sans Souci (P.O.V)

This guy is a monster. I never thought someone so innocent looking, although that body was something straight out of a wet dream, could be this powerful. He was also glowing a little. Just one more detail to show how crazy my new reality is. These few months had been hectic. Hectic to the point I had wanted to end it if it weren't for Eiling that bastard, threatening my family. Not to mention the bomb I had at the back of my skull. 

But even if the bomb didn't kill me... going up against this guy definitely would. Iron Edge might have been dumber than a bag of rocks but his defense was fucking good. If he didn't want to move then nothing could move him. My bombs were useless against him and I started regretting not shooting at the target when Iron Edge was fighting him. But being a soldier I was taught to not shoot at friendlies. But...maybe I should forget some of the things I learned because this new world would swallow me and my morals alive. It was time to start being selfish and that begins by taking this guy down. I pulled the trigger.

(General Eiling P.O.V)

How...did he take Iron Edge down so fast? Could I have underestimated him? No. Even if he's powerful he's only one man. His prowess is only increasing my hunger to acquire him. Dead or alive it doesn't matter now. I just want him! The secrets his body holds is the key to making a perfect army.

(Jin's P.O.V)

Yeesh. I don't like the way Eiling is looking at me. I dismissed him and turned my attention to the last two of team reject left. The helmet guy looked like a statue. Standing there and not doing anything. I still got a feeling of familiarity from him but my most immediate adversary was Bette. She looked lost in thought for a while before she steeled her eyes and looked like she had come to a decision. She aimed at the ground in front of me and fired.

The round exploded in a green vapour obscuring my sight and started sizzling once in touch with my body. Acidic mist? But why did she shoot it at my feet instead of aiming for my body? She pressed a button on her gauntlets, cocked her left gun and aimed it at my feet again. The round impacted the ground and my eyes widened in surprise. The vapour started forming into a green sludge that surrounded my feet and encased then in a glue like substance. Effortlessly trapping me.

"Hahaha. That was fucking awesome. What are your powers? You like a genius chemist or something? Please say yes. Your friend clearly doesn't have the brains in your little team so I'm guessing they all went to you."

I tried to sell the fact that I didn't know any of them in case Thawne was listening which he most likely was. I wanted to keep the rest of the future knowledge I had to myself though I was sure sooner or later it would be useless.

"Surrender or I pull this trigger and make you go boom boom."

She gave me a smirk.

"Sorry. Not gonna happen."

I smiled at her smugly.

Bette didn't wait. She seemed almost eager to shoot.

The next round hit the green sludge and I had the halfway decent thought of encasing my trousers within my armor before the explosion covered me. Aaand nothing. Not nothing as in I died and saw darkness or any of that BS. Nothing in that...the explosion didn't hurt me in any way. I pushed the dust covering me away in a scene that deserves an amv clip and stretched my body.

"Really? That was it? I thought it would have a little more kick to it. Any more tricks up your sleeve?"

Bette stepped back fearfully and looked at her teammate.

"What are you doing just standing there for. Attack him!"

The helmet guy cocked his head to the side and just stared at her.

I absentmindedly took control of all the soldiers including Eiling who were aiming their guns to me through blood control. my control slipped off the helmet guy like water splashing against a boulder. At this point I think he might be a robot or something. I did all this while slowly walking towards Bette.

"Seems like no one wants to help you. Remember this, sometimes, the only person you can depend on is yourself."

She started shooting at me frantically while moving back. None of her shots injured me and because I was prepared, this time I wasn't pushed back by her explosive rounds. She finally emptied her magazine and I stopped before her. I couldn't kill her because if I remember correctly, her body exploded after dying? Yeah I think that was it. 

"Tell you what...for showing me something cool, I'm not gonna kill you but I'm gonna kill Eiling and anyone else who stands in my way. So are you willing to surrender?"

She closed her eyes and opened them. Tears started forming.

"I can't. He threatened my family and I have a bomb near my skull as insurance."

She whispered and I frowned. I should have known. She hadn't wanted to join Eiling in canon so I had been wondering why she had decided to do so in this timeline. Eiling really was scum. 


I simply said and chopped her on the neck gently making her faint. Meanwhile my eyes never left Eiling's. The douchebag was hiding behind his men. No one was moving courtesy of me of course. I had fought carefully while looking out for any sneak attack from Thawne but now I was out of patience. So I stopped the blood flow going to the brains of the soldiers except for Eiling and allowed him enough control to look around. He started stammering while watching each of his men fall down like puppets with their strings cut.

"Whaaa? You...freak! What are you doing to them?!"

"Start worrying about yourself Eiling. Your fate is going to be even worse. I made you a promise. It's high time I delivered. Thor's judgement."

A huge streak of lightning fell down from above in a large flash and Eiling was done for...wait...the blast of lightning I had brought down onto him changed direction and hit the helmet guy.

A guttural scream resounded from his voice in two distinct voices. The whole streak of lightning was absorbed and the static coming off from his body was now ten times as much as before. What in the...he turned to look at me and his eyes blazed blue.

"More. We want moreee!"

"Farooq Gibran. Otherwise known as Blackout. And I just supercharged him. Fuck."

I whispered in realization. 

Jin doesn't know everything. He didn't know who was behind the mask but now he does.

Next chapter we see what Jin's new power is all about. It's a killer.

10 advanced chapters on my p a t r e on at pat.reon.com/ Saintbarbido.

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