
A Deal With The Devil

The door that Mercury was peeking out of suddenly shut on him and when he tries to open it, the door wouldn't budge for anything.

It was at this moment Mercury knew he messed up and something bad is about to happen and just like he imagine he began hearing the voice of a weak girl.

"Haa... It has been a long time since thou art has had a visitor tell me how are ye."

Mercury turns around to find a skinny-looking woman she was naked and full of horrible whip wounds and was bruised all over.

She was stabbed with many giant nails holding her to a wooden cross, she didn't have any weight as she was nothing but bones.

Her lips were dried up and had a series of cracks in them, her head was almost ball as you could tell she once had long beautiful blue hair.

But whatever happened to her in here cause her once beautiful hair to fall out, while her left eye was cut out by something as you could see the giant circular cut that shapes out her entire eye.

But even with all these injuries, Mercury couldn't think how beautiful she was or more like something was drawing him in almost like a skill that forces one to recognize one presence.

He had the impression if she was healed her beauty wouldn't fail in comparison to Lilith in any way whatsoever, Mercury looks at a weakening and horribly injured girl straight into her single remaining blue eye as he peaked into her stats, and what he saw almost made him piss himself.

[Status Board]

Name: [Celesta Battle Fang Azure Fallen Blood]

Age: [???]

Race: [Celestial vampire]

Unique-Title: [The very first fallen, The devil, first angel, Vampire God, Demon King of Destruction, 1st progenitor, The black sun, The forgotten]

Mates: 0

Occupation: [Daylight queen, Vampire queen, Demon king]

Strength: [XXX]-E

Speed: [XXX]-E

Stamina: [XXX]-E

Mana: [???]-F

Vitality: [♾]-F

Luck: [B]-C

Intelligence: [XX]-XXX

Status: Dying

Time till death: 4 year

Cause of death: High dosages of Mayhem poison, and starvation

Chances of survival: 0.000000000001%


[Blood manipulation, Blood transmutation, Boundary manipulation, Black-sun, Paradox, Constant flow, Igris, Azure rain, Forward annihilation, Gates of hell, Mercy, Rapture, 666, Unification, Vampirfication, Stagnation, Time-stop, White rosary, Sound manipulation, Energy absorption, Status steal, Bloddly-Hailmary, Deus Ex Machina, Progenitor aura, Aurora manipulation]

[Please note a majority of abilities has been lost due to being in a near-death state]



"O fuck my luck why the hell am I consistently running into these dangerous fucking people as of lately."

The so-called vampire girl Watches as Mercury look at her with a feared coated face as she smiles lightly and said.

"It has been a long time since thou has seen the face of fear upon another creature."

Mercury didn't answer nor did he try to interrupt her speech or more like he didn't dare as he could care less if the status bored said she weakened to the point that death was her only option, but he has a feeling that this woman has enough power to spare to end his life anytime she wants without moving.

"Why don't ye come closer so I can get a better look at you". Said the mysterious Vampire girl."

Mercury didn't move as he was too scared to move before this monster what if she just trying t trick him so she can suck his blood, but then and again forward is the only way available at this point since he had a strong feeling he not going to be allowed to leave.

Meanwhile, Celesta looks at Mercury still in the same spot, as he is terrified and very concerned for his life, so as a way to give him some reassurance she said.

"Thou art won't bite as ye can see I'm pretty much useless now come youngling, I just want to partake in a convo with ye it been so long since I had the privilege of speaking with another."

Mercury could see that but he was just taken by surprise at what her original stats use to be, so with all the resolves, he can muster he walk forward till he was literally right in front of her as he asks.

"W-Who are you?"

Celesta watches as the young boy in front of her had a very well-done set of tattoos place all over his body normally she wouldn't trip for something like this but the tattoos on him were runic tattoos of old of a once great and powerful nation as she said shocked and surprised.

"Ehhh... why is a member of Romania Empire here."

Mercury looks at the vampire girl with a lost and confused look as he said.

"Romania Empire what the hell is that supposed to mean". Ask Mercury with a rather confused look on his face.

"Ehh... is ye a buffoon how does ye not know his own Empire."

After such an insult Mercury felt like this girl was the type to jump to conclusions too quickly as he said.

"As I said, lady, I don't know what the hell you are talking about I'm a human, and the last time I check I am not a part of this so-called Romania Empire you speak of."

After Celesta heard Mercury's claim of not being a part of the legendary Romania Empire she was very shocked reason be the evidence is literally engraved in his skin, but yet this boy seems to be telling the truth.

"Ye doesn't seem to be lying but ye is not a human you are Newman."

"A what now lady I'm a human."

"Yes, ye is a human but not a normal one you are a unique variant of a human a legendary Newman honestly thou hasn't seen one of your kind in ages, but my question is how are you alive I seen your Empire perish with my own eyes."

"It is shocking to see a walking breathing Newman before me after such a long time, you know I watch as the Gods of this world all came together to bring an end to your races that day Romanina empire perish but it was also the day that over 85% of the God races was Wipe from existence."

When Mercury heard this he was shocked, human-killing Gods honestly it was unheard of, and the way she says it makes him think that the Newman race was the top underdog of old, so to confirm his thoughts he said.

"So humans were able to kill Gods with their fist that hard to believe on a realistic point of view."

"Correction know your own race young one you are a Newman, not a human."

Mercury listing to how the vampire girl keeps calling him a Newman instead of a human so he thinks that she mistaking his high human race for the so-called legendary Newman race but he wasn't going to correct her mistake but there was one thing confusing him.

"With all due respect Ms ahhh what's your name."

Mercury already knows her name but he didn't want to come off as someone suspicious

"Ahh Pardon my manners my name is Celesta Battle Fang Azure Fallen Blood how about you little Romanian".

"Yea that way too long I will just call you Cel it's easier to remember."

"Wait what you heard my entire name that's impossible."

"Ehh what about it you did say your name is Celesta Battle Fang Azure Fallen Blood."

"Well this is a first even for Newman most can only hear my first name which is Celesta and the reason being I am a goddess hence fort an ancient being that holds more power and authority than you so normally the weaker race cant really comprehend something beyond there mortal understanding you must be a really strong Newman if you can hear and say my name like that."

Mercury became confused once again as he said

"So you are basically saying that my power is that of a god yah lady I'm pretty weak probably the weakest person in this castle the only reason I can hear your name is because of a certain skill I possess."

When Cel heard Mercury refutal she became shocked yet again as she said.

"In short, you are an anomaly Newman how interesting."

"Well if that is how you want to look at me then so be it but why do you keep saying I am a Romanian no the question is what the hell is a Romanian."

"Well since you don't know of your own linage let me tell you a little story Romanian is the first only species that wasn't created by the gods a race that made a path for themselves with their own powers, no one knows how they were created or who created them hell they might not have a creator at all."

"You see Newman is a very ancient and powerful race capable of fighting dragons kings with their bare hands even the weakest could give a Behmout a serious run for their money, and the reason I identify you a Romanina is that all Newman had one thing in common."

"They have a strange ritual where they draw a tattoo on their young ones after they have killed for the first time something about telling a story of their future and the more Tattoos a Newman had the higher their status among themselves were."

"Then and again ye have quite them amount on yourselves as well normally they are three types of tattoos which are ritual, progenitor, and authority holders type you would fall under the authority type since I can feel immense power from them especially that one coming from your back as a matter of fact that thing behind your back terrifies me a little."

"What you mean this giant cross and snake tattoo with a heart in its mouth, what about it."

"Honestly I don't know what that thing is and I don't want to know just don't use it too much or that power will consume you."

"Ehh... so you know what the power this tattoo carries come on tell me."

"What is Ye talking about how the hell would I know what your power is I'm just saying that dark powers tend to be the most uncontrollable type of powers of them all and that thing is evil incarnate, after all, that is the Mark Jormungandr the strongest apostle of Era."

"You mean Jormungandr the world serpent holy shit he exists as well."

"The world serpent is that what they are calling her now, men I really am too old for this world now but yea Jormungandr serve Era or the world spiritual core.

"Ere who is this Era"?

Cel looks at Mercury with a confused and lost look as she said.

"Ok I'm starting to believe ye is a buffoon how don't you know something as simple as Era don't they teach that in schools".

"With all due respect Ms. Cel I honestly just woke up today as well."

"Wake up... ehh by chance were ye was in some type of seal or hibernation."

Mercury pauses a little bit to think about how he was going to answer this question without revealing he was a reincarnated person as he said."

"I don't know the last and only thing I remember was darkness and the next thing I know I was offered up to a crazy mayhem goddess named Lilith as a husband but was turn into a plaything, a fun fact she is a total bitch that insane in the head."

When Mercury said the word Lilith the air started to become cold as immense killing pressure hit the entire room which caused Mercury to fall on his knees as he felt like he was been pressed down by a building as Cel said.

"L-Lilith that bitch I swear I will take revenge on her for putting me in this forsaken place for good know how long, stupid whit platinum hair bitch I will get my revenge."

Meanwhile, Mercury was suffering on the ground as he shouted out.

"Woman calm hell dowwwn."

Cel look as She was killing Mercury by accident as she immediately calms down and said.

"My apologies it's just that bitch done so much to me I cant keep my calm easily just hearing her name pisses me off greatly."

"I'm guessing she the reason for your current state."

"Hell yes, that bitch is insane she brutally tortures me and imprisons me in here as she only stops by here to mock me every 200 years or so when she remembers I exist."

"Not only did she killed my entire clansman, honestly I don't know why she doesn't just kill me already living even another second is a pain."

"My mind can only take so much the only reason I'm alive is that I adapted slightly to her poison hence fort it is taking longer than usual to kill me at this rate I will be dead in the next 3 to 5 years."

*Sigh* "Enough of my problem I'm been inconsiderate to your situation by complaining about myself, I pity you boy Lilith is a monster that can not be stopped she kill for no reason, she enjoys the suffering of others because it entertainment to her and just because she can."

Mercury was shocked he has been in this world for about 5 hours give or take but he managed to find a rather kind goddess that was near death as he said.

"Please don't mind me, you more fuck than I am so you have all right to complain."

Cel smile as it was the first time in Millennium's someone was so considerate of her situation as he stays here was not a pleasant one.

"Even so boy, your situation is still a serious one Amnesia + Lilith + your presence here can only mean something great is about to happen in this world if the Gods find out that a Newman is still alive they would stop enough to kill you."

Mercury smiled at this as he said to lighten up the mood.

"I'm dead either way with Lilith right."

"Hahah... I guess your right ahahaha."

"So tell ye do you think you are only Newman left."

"Well, I don't know all I know is that the world is full with only humans now".

"Wait what are you serious ahh I see so after the fall of the higher race the lesser race couldn't progress as it takes another newman to help a human promote into a newman as well."

"I see so that how it works well what about you what are you going to do from here."

"Well, all I can do is wait for my death at this point and time since that bitch poisons me with her lethal blood that can slowly destroy one stats if consume too much of it."

"Why did Lilith even did this to you in the first place."

"That girl is nothing but pure evil she does things without any reason my clansman and I suffer so much all because of a single conflict we were forcefully place in by an anonymous third party, in short, we were frame for something we didn't do to invoke her unjust wrath."

"I know this is a stupid question but you seem stronger than Lilith why didn't you fight back."

"I did boy let me you something my true identity is the Angel of deceit as I am the first angel that fell from grace for leading a rebellion against my father Archion for the throne of Paradise."

"Wow, so you are basically Satan."

"Sa-tan what how did ye know my previous name."

"Read it in a book once."

"What bullshit excused but I can't question it since you are telling the truth."

"So you can also tell when someone is lying". Mercury asks with great curiosity.

"Yes, I can see that let just say it's a privilege of grace that still remains with me, in short, it is the only angelic ability that I have left as I loss all of them after becoming the first fallen."

"I see but isn't Lilith a Fallen as well by right shouldn't you be stronger since you are the first."

"That right by right thou should be stronger as I am the first to turn into a Fallen but she was the first to be born as a fallen so, in short, she has progenitor rights just like me as well and honestly speaking in the day I am stronger than her back in the day."

"But if you were stronger why didn't you just kill her."

Cel looks at Mercury as she began laughing to herself as she said.

"Hahaha... that what all of us thought as well we all think she could have been defeated but that monster cannot be killed fun fact she alone wipes out my clan of 100,000 vampires all of them was as strong as a demi-god while few exceptions were slightly below me in power alone."

"You had such a powerful army and even with that number it wasn't even enough to fight Lilith my god just how strong is she."

"Fun fact all of our attack was useless on her as she couldn't be cut, blasted, poison, suffocated, either be blown to bits the only way to defeated a monster like that is by sealing her but then and again there is no seal in existence that can keep her lock-in for long."

"She a monster in every sense of the word, a being that can not die, an entity that exists solely for destruction and chaos, Mayhem is her right, and destruction and misery is her forte, they say she has no love for anything because she can't understand it, they say she no heart because she found it useless."

"Lilith of Mayhem is an unbeatable enemy I once glance at and lost everything I once hold dear shortly after she didn't even move as she destroyed my entire army with a single sentence all most like her raw words alone hold absolute power."

"Wait what she destroyed your army with a single sentence what kind of bullshit ability is that."

"Haha, even now I don't know, and I probably won't either".

"What the hell did she even say".

Cel began to frown as she said with great pain in her heart.

"Your existence is blocking my view please kindly fade away from my presents".

Cel continues as finish off with.

"And right after those words were said my entire army just fades from existence in a whole, And in a fit of rage I attack her but I eventually succumbed to my injuries she inflicted on me leaving me immobile and perfected capture prey."

Mercury watches Cel had a huge frown on her face just talking about Lilith could bring her this much distress, just to show how far back in a corner she was placed because of her.

So he said.

"Your story is really a sad one but I only give you about four years give or take before you die what are you going to do till then do you want me to help you I don't mind."

"Heheh there is nothing ye can do to help thou I'm far too gone".

Mercury bends his head down with a slight frown on his face as he said.

"I'm so sorry I got ahead of myself".

"But that doesn't mean something can't be done to help me".

"Oh... really and what do you have in mine".

Cel tightens her resolves as she said.

"Well may it be luck or fate but I do know a spell that can revive me completely well a piece of the current self let us say about 2% me."

"And what might that be".

"It's a forbidden spell called reincarnation it takes a huge amount of mana and life force to cast I have the mana well just enough stored up to cast it, but I don't have the life force needed to finish it".

"Let me guess you want to use mines". Mercury said as he already knows where this is going.

"Ye is very smart indeed, yes but I only want a small portion at least 30 years worth".

"But didn't you just say you need a huge amount of it why just 30 years?"

"I can see you have a very huge amount of life force which is evident you are a newman but taking one life force is very dangerous if not done properly but then and again that why I say I can save 2% of me as that is all can carry on to my next life when I reincarnate with that much".

"But I promise you that if you help me I would forever be in-depth to you no I will give you everything I have left in this life and the next life to clear the depth".

*Sigh* "I normally don't do these crazy things but I feel like your assistance would be very much appreciated in the future so I will agree just tell me how do I give you my life force".

Cel smiled as she said.

"Hahaha thank you just put your hand by my heart and the contract shall be made".

Mercury complied with Cel as he places his hands on her heart as he began to hear the diminished voice in his head once more.

[The contractor Celesta has agreed to sign a soul contract with the client Mercury Van Anguish]

[Does the Contractor agrees to stay true to her promise]

Mercury then watches Cel replied which shocked him greatly as he thought only he could hear it.

"I Celesta Battle Fang Azure Fallen Blood herby to agree to the contract that will bind my soul and force me to agree to my end of the bargain".

[The contractor Celesta Fallen Blood soul has been bounded by the contract]

[Does the Client Mercury Van Anguish agree to stay true to his payment of the contract]

Mercury replied with.

"I agree to the terms of the contract".

[Mercury Van Anguish soul has also been bounded since both sides have agreed I Era have been witness to this contract and will see it fit that each party stay true to their word you may now proceed]

Mercury was shocked to find out the identity of the voice he has been constantly hearing in his head as he said.

"So that the world holy shit".

Cel then replied with.

"Yes that is the voice of the world Era a system that assists all those when it sees it fit, but enough of that shall we start.

"Yes let proceed".

Cel began to drain some life force from Mercury as Era rings off in his head once more and said.

[Now begging Sanctum of Rebirth]

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