
Chapter 9

Chronos is a Coven created by Hadrian,this coven in the future would go on to controls one-third of the world's economy through the shadows. It is commanded by the Council of Elders, who regularly send out is members on missions. A select amount of prestigious figures such as politicians and businessmen have connections to the organization. The aim of Chronos is to make sure humans remain completely unaware of the supernatural world. This often equates to dismantling Coven and killing Vampires or werewolves who actually become threat to the supernatural world.But they are given a warning,if they continue with their method there coven would be dismantled.

The Chronos Numbers are like a clock because Chronos means time so it will be time numbers and since there are twelve members like the face of a clock.

The twelve high ranking council members all wear a signet ring with roman numerals from 1 to 12.Unlike the Voulturi the coven didn't go after gifted members and forcefully turning them or even killing the whole coven because they didn't join them.The coven is not restrictive as they are easily able use portkeys to get their main base when called upon.

Hadrian is l

Vladamir is ll

Stefan is lll

Sasha is lV

Alec is V

Jane is Vl

Tanya is Vll

Kate is Vlll

Irina is lX

Demetri is X

Marcus is XI

Didyme is Xll


Hadrian couldn't believe how stupid Caius and Aro was,as it seems the news about both Stefan and Vladmir recruiting got out and they decided to attack them.Which was foolish as allt he Volturi guards were ripped into pieces within seconds,Hadrian was like demon he ripped through the incoming guards like nothing,while Stefan and Vladmir was having fun of their own.The field was littered with pieces of cold ones,Hadrian had telepathically told both Stefan and Vladmir to make this warming to the Volturi,they knew leaving the Volturi alive after such humiliation is much worse than death itself.

They were thrown infront of Aro and Caius,who could only look in fear at how easily he took down some of their strongest fighters.

Hadrian glared at Aro and spoke with venom"You dare attack my coven mates."

Aro gulped he never thought these two were Hadrian's coven mates,he though it was going to be an easy raid,to show these Romanian rats the power of Volturi,but he never expected this to happen.

Hadrian scoffed and said"You power hungry bastard,I shouldn't have expected anything less from someone who was planning on killing his own sister.Just so he could keep Marcus from leaving."

Both Marcus and Didyme were shocked hearing this,as Marcus glared at Aro and asked"Is Hadrian saying the truth."

Aro was terrible liar,so he just kept quite.Both Marcus and Didyme knew Aro enough to tell if he lying,Marcus was angry at the fact Aro was ready to kill his mate,while Didyme was heartbroken at the fact her own brother was planning to kill her.

Caius yelled"He must lying to break us up."

Hadrian snorted and said"I don't gain anything by doing this,Also if not for the fact I warned Aro about harming Didyme the idiot would have gone with the plan and blamed it on someone.The fact he hasn't said one word against is proof."

Aro couldn't say anything as he knew his lie would be caught by both Marcus and his sister,also Marcus fearing his mates safety quit Volturi and asked Hadrian for Sanctuary as he was sure Aro won't go against Hadrian after this incident.

Flashback ended

Marcus and Didyme soon decided to join the Chronos Coven,they actually enjoyed their freedom inside the coven as they were allowed to travel the world and was not confined into the walls of Volterra.

Marcus was actually quite fascinated by the portkeys because this gave them the ability to return to their home when ever they desired,Hadrian even bracelet which was enchanted to act like the two way mirrors,but just more advanced as this actually created a handling 3d model of the person you are communicating too.This was something Hadrian was inspired from old superhero movie from his previous world.

During the time Jane,Alec and even Demetri found their respective mates.Jane found her mate Lucas who was actually a telepath,Alec' mate was Jenna who's ability turned out to be an Enhancer and Demetri mate was Josephine who was a shapshifter.

It was interesting as Hadrian and Alec acted as the protective brother to Lucas who was cowed in fear thinking about his future brother in laws.

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