
Heroes really?

The glance of Maïli, turned to that of the princess who returned an almost impassive glance to him then towards that of Zem which was quite other. His expressing a concern more than obvious.

Then her gaze, redirected to the young children, they were dirty and filthy tattered clothes. But most importantly, in their hands they all had small swords. And without the slightest warning, they began to throw themselves at them.

"You see, we told them that if they killed you, they and their families would be free. Isn't that a very good motivation?" Moïse declared, smiling.

All the other instructors had stoic faces except for the priest John who seemed to enjoy the situation. The King seemed also very happy with what Moïse had organized and Raphaël was focused on the scene that was about to unfold before him.

"Do you really think we're going to submit to this kind of thing!" (Maïli)

"I don't think they'll give you a choice." (Moïse)

At that moment, Maïli narrowly dodged a blow that scratched her cheek causing a slight bleeding.

"Don't underestimate these beast man young men, they come from a fighting tribe. Ah and where are my manners I forgot to tell you the precise rules of this test. Each of you must kill one of these young men if you do so for some you are guaranteed to become the heroes of Sigma. And as an added reward, we will assure you additional rewards and even warmer treatment. All you have to do is kill them and you're set for an even more luxurious life." (Moïse)

"It's that simple huh?" Shawn asked.

"Yes." Replied Moïse.

"Don't even think about it Shawn!" Shouted Maïli, while dodging the attacks of one of the children.

"Shut up Maïli you don't have to give me any orders." (Shawn)

Shawn then approached one of the children at high speed and lifted him off the ground holding him by the neck. The force he applied prevented the poor child from breathing, his face gradually turning red his eyes getting wet.

"Shawn!" (Maïli)

"This world offers us everything we want and all we have to do in return is kill these things that aren't even human. We'll lead a life where people cheer us on and we live in wealth. For me, the choice was made a long time ago between the monsters we killed when we got here and them I don't see any difference." (Shawn)

Shawn then gave Maïli a small smile before plunging his sword into the boy's chest. His already asphyxiated face, showed great pain, his eyes widened and blood rushed to his mouth. The child after a few brief seconds dropped his sword and died in the hand of Shawn who sent his body away as if his life had no value.

Maïli remained blocked, frozen, the body of the young boy without life having landed at her feet. His face still expressing the pain he had felt before dying. A feeling of extreme rage seized Maïli, a rage destined for only one person.

"Shaaaawn !" (Maïli)

An explosion then came out of Maïli's body her fire element lighting up the sky, in a blink of an eye she was near Shawn. Their two swords collided, but Shawn was instantly pushed back, his hands even being burned. He was no match for Maïli, who kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying. And before he could get up Maïli was already above him ready to finish him off. At the moment she lowered her blade Shawn had disappeared and found himself at Moïse side.

"Well, it was a very interesting show, but it would be a shame to lose one of our newest heroes. Especially since the show isn't over yet." (Moïse)

"You fucker!" (Maïli)

Maïli was then propelled violently away without her realizing it.

"Watch your words young lady." (Moïse)

Maïli, spit out blood stunned by the shock, she had not seen nor felt anything and when she could raise her head again she saw with fright Méverick, Maël and Jay killing three other children. Méverick's fists were covered in blood as he beat one of the boys to death. Jay, neatly sliced the head off another and Maël burned one of the children alive. He ran back and forth across the field of battle with the flames consuming him and his cries of pain echoing as he was being burned to death.

"What a pleasant sight." Declared the King as the boy's screams stopped and his charred body fell to the ground.

The group seemed to be talking to Emma who was also with them but she seemed to hesitate greatly her body shaking at the thought of taking a life.

"Come on Emma you have to have your place too." (Jay)

"But I..." (Emma)

"Don't worry Emma we're a group, we've always been together so trust us like you always have."

"But these are the lives of young children." (Emma)

"Emma, look they are not human, if they are not human it is not murder. They're just like all the monsters we've killed in our training." (Maël)

"But this is..." (Emma)

"Stop thinking and do it!" Said Maël then in a threatening tone as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes." Emma answered immediately.

She then made lightning strike one of the children who died on the spot, his body falling on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." She repeated sickly as she saw the lifeless body.

"Oh doesn't that bring back memories my sister?" Asked then Raphael all smiling.

What Sarah did not answer being satisfied to observe the spectacle under her eyes.

Things had happened far too quickly for the whole group of Maïli who came to relieve her. As they were now looking at the lifeless corpses of the unfortunate children. While Maël, Méverick, Jay and Emma were teleported near Moïse.

The remaining children were also looking at the bodies of their lifeless friends. They were gripped by sadness and rage, a rage that drove them to pounce on our remaining heroes.

"We'll knock them out like this, we won't have to kill them." Maïli declared.

They then hit the remaining children with enough force to knock them out. But none of them collapsed as Moïse watched them.

"Like I didn't think of that." (Moïse)

Moses had put the young children under an ability that prevented them from sleeping and thus from being knocked out.

"Well, it looks like the show is coming to an end, they will never hurt them." Said the disappointed King.

"Do not worry my King, it is not over yet." (Moïse)

Suddenly Béa began to shout:

"No! What's going on! My.... My body is moving by itself!" (Béa)

She grabbed an arrow before placing it on the string and then she raised her bow mechanically. To finally gently stretch the string to aim at one of the children.

"No! No! I don't want no!" She shouted with distress taking hold of her.

Finally, despite her objections and pleas, her hand let go of the string and the arrow flew out with a hiss. And a scream rang out across the field as the arrow lodged in the eye of one of the children. Who looked at Bea before staggering and collapsing to the ground.

"Nonnnn!!!" Shouted Béa, melting into a sob collapsing on the floor.

But she was not the only one to whom this happened, suddenly the bodies of all those remaining began to move on their own. The children all suddenly stood still, like statues. While in the stands, Zem held back all his rage directed at the author of these events. Moses who was watching the scene and seemed to take great pleasure in it.

"Maïli my body moves by itself!" Exclaimed Éléonore in panic.

The whole group was now moving slowly towards the remaining children who were not moving an inch. Despite all their efforts to stop, their bodies no longer obeyed them as if they had become puppets.

"Please! No stop it I don't want to kill anyone!" Beth begged as she approached one of the children.

"Maïli, do something, please!" Asked a terrified Marine.

"I..." (Maïli)

She couldn't control her body anymore and the fear gradually rose in her. The closer she got the more she understood what she was going to be forced to do.

"No!" Karine aashouted while planting her sword in the head of one of the children.

Blood then splashed on the ground and Karin's face, and she fell to her knees, her body as if freed. But the reality was that she also had no mental strength left and her body followed, for this act she had just done against her will was a shock. And each of them each in turn killed one of the children each begging for it to stop some bursting into tears.

"Ahhh!" Eva shouted as she had just sliced the head off one of the children.

Blood spurted like a fountain and Eva fell to the ground before vomiting compulsively as she saw the head next to her.

"Oh Moïse, I couldn't have enjoyed a better show." Said the king as one child after another died.

For these children, too, there was nothing more horrible than seeing their own death coming. Some began to cry because after all, they were still children, poor children who had never asked for anything.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Éléonore convulsively exclaimed to one of the children.

The child, with tears in her eyes and snot in her nose, looked at Éléonore who was also crying, she knew there was nothing she could do. The only thing she could do was apologize. She raised her hand and the child was lifted into the air slowly and then sharp gusts of wind began to cut him up. Her screams of pain rang out as her arms and legs were torn off and her entire body was lacerated.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Said Éléonore in shock watching the child's body fall back and crash to the ground.

Everyone had been through hell begging for it to stop, screaming, crying, and suffering the emotional shock of taking a life against their will. And the only child left was the one in front of Maïli, a young girl with a terrified face and tears streaming down her face.

She walked slowly towards her unable to fight against her own body. Contrary to the others, she had not said a word she had not begged she had remained silent. Because she did not want to give this spectacle to those responsible for this scene but that did not prevent to see partly the frustration and the fear on her face.

Raphaël, who was observing the scene, was captivated and was now only looking at Maïli, deciphering each of her micro facial expressions.

"She is really impressive what willpower despite what she is forced to do she tries to stay strong. She doesn't beg, she doesn't complain, she just endures, what strength of character. Ahh and yet despite all this conviction she can do nothing and is about to do something that disgusts her." Said Raphaël analyzing, but mostly reveling, with a slight bulge on his pants.

Finally, Maïli arrived in front of the girl who looked at her terrified, she gently raised her sword to the height of her small chest.

"I'm sorry." She said while throwing a smile mixing sincerity, but especially a great sadness.

Then her sword plunged slowly into the girl's chest, her face, tensed and her eyes wide with pain.

"Ah!" She spat, looking Maïli in the eyes who was also looking at her, the sword now coming out of her back.

Sarah from her podium then looked away while Zem could only clench his fists causing blood to flow from them. As the life left the child, blood flowing to her mouth, this moment when the life left her seemed to last an eternity. And Maïli had a front row seat to witness this and finally after what seemed like an eternity her body went limp and the glow of life in her eyes disappeared. Then a tear slowly rolled down Maïli's cheek. Before the body collapsed she grabbed it and laid it tenderly on the ground before closing the girl's eyelids.

While the bulge on Raphaël pants had grown much larger, having relished the spectacle.

"Congratulations to everyone! And welcome to the latest selected hero of the Kingdom of Sigma Maïli." Moïse announced with a round of applause.

No one had the strength to respond, as the shock was far too much for them. Maïli, who had just put down the body of the child, wiped the tear along her cheek before getting up and looking with insistence and a dissimulated rage at all those who were on the stage. 

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