
Chapter 128: The Hunt Begins

A/N: So just a short notice.

I have decided to change Athena's appearance.

From now on just imagine her like this.

[Image Here]

As to why I did this, it's because this is my story and I can. No other reason.


(3rd Person: POV)

Lying in a hospital bed Morax slowly but surely opened his eyes.

Feeling pain all over his body as he did so.

'Fuck, what hit me?' Morax thought.

He then moved to sit up.

Only to stop immediately when he felt a sharp stabbing in his arms and legs.

"Fuck!" He shouted.

After he did so a moment passed before the door to his room opened up.

When it did so Morax turned his attention to it and saw Airmid Teasanare walk in.

Once she did so she walked over to him. "So, you're finally awake." She said.

"Yeah, I am." Morax replied. "So, how long have I been out?" He asked.

"Ten hours." Airmid immediately answered. "Once we removed the curse from your body we had to place you in a magically induced coma for you to recover. Honestly speaking you shouldn't even be awake right now. That curse was highly potent so your body should've taken at least an entire day to recover. Yet here you are, awake and up." She explained.

"I guess I'm just built different." Morax replied.

Which isn't a lie. He is an adepti after all. Which might explain why he recovered faster than normal based on the explanation Airmid is giving him.

However Morax is not in any mood to ever test that theory.

"So, I was cursed." He said.

"Yes." Airmid said. "You were hit with a blood curse. One that worked to forcefully expel the blood from your body." She explained.

'Well that explains why I was bleeding from my eyes.' Morax thought.

"Honestly if you weren't a level six I'm certain you would've had permanent damage to your body or suffered death before that red-headed werewolf got you here to us. Though as things stand now you will make a full recovery." Airmid explained.

"Thanks for that." Morax replied. "Also, is Rose ok?" He asked.

"She's fine." Airmid replied. "But we can discuss that more in a moment. Right now I need to do a quick examination to make sure you aren't suffering any after-effects." She explained.

Airmid then removed the cover from Morax's body.

Once she did so she pulled up the hospital gown he was wearing and began examining the site of the wound on his thigh.

Keeping a stoic expression on her face and being completely professional as she did so.

"The wound looks to be healing well." Airmid said. "Still, I need you to stay in the hospital for another day or two for observation. Not to mention your body still needs to recover all the blood it lost thanks to that curse."

"Understood doctor." Morax said.

He isn't going to put up a fight.

"Finally a patient who listens." Airmid mused.

Just after she did so both she and Morax heard voices outside of his room.

"He is awake. Let us see him."

"We're going in."

"Excuse us."

No one being able to stop them the Athena familia filed into Moraxs' hospital room.

The moment they heard the news about the attack on him they rushed to the hospital, dropping everything else they were doing.

Seeing them all Morax put a smile on his face.

While all of them did the same.

Ryuu in particular.

Her eyes were red from all the crying she had done when she heard what happened to Morax.

A smile on her face Athena stepped forward from the rest. "Morax, I am glad you are ok."

"Thank you, lady Athena." Morax said.

"Excuse me. I am trying to give a patient an exam here." Airmid spoke up.

When she did so the Athena familia finally realized the situation taking place before they entered the hospital room.

The girls in particular finally noticed Morax's spear was out in full view.

"Captain. So big." Ariane said. "No, I mean I'm glad you are awake." She quickly spoke. Even though her eyes are solely focused on Morax neither regions.

"Oh my~" Echidna said.

She then touched her stomach and turned to Ryuu. "Ryuu, now I understand why you spend almost every night in Morax room. I mean if I were able to take that inside of me I would too. I don't even know how you walk upright." Echidna said.

As she did so Ryuu got a blush that went to the tips of her eyes.

Meanwhile Millhiore placed her hands over Haruhime's eyes to keep her from looking.

"We'll just go." Leonmitchelli said.

After she did so the Athena familia filed out of Morax room so Airmid could finish his examination uninterrupted.

Returning to the waiting area, the Athena familia immediately felt the gaze of Rose upon them.

She is sitting in a chair, her eyes puffy from crying just like Ryuu.

After she and Morax were attacked she didn't waste any time.

Picking him up, she ran straight towards the Dian Cecht familia hospital like Morax instructed her to do before he passed out and started bleeding thanks to the curse inflicted upon him.

Using all her strength Rose got him there, not caring about any injuries she herself received in the process.

Which were a few minor cuts on her feet, but nothing too serious.

"So, how is he?" Rose asked in a hoarse voice.

"He's fine. Airmid is giving him an examination right now. But he's slated to make a full recovery." Ryner stated.

When he did so Rose put a smile on her face.

"Ah, I'm so glad." Rose said.

"As are we." Athena said. "Now then, let's discuss our next course of action." She said. Getting a dark look in her eyes.

Someone had thought they could get away with harming one of her precious children.

Now they were about to suffer her wrath.

"Ryuu, Diluc,, Haruhime, and Millhiore. You four and I will remain at the hospital and guard Morax." Athena said.

Since she didn't know if the people who attacked Morax would strike again. And she wasn't about to leave him unguarded.

Thus she formed a protection team that would keep him safe. Ryuu in particular wouldn't let anyone touch Morax.

"Everyone else, please start investigating the attack." Athena said.

Although the Ganesha familia was already on the case

Along with the Astraea familia.

Morax was a friend and comrade to both gods and their familia members. As well as a high-level and well-respected adventurer in Orario.

An attack on him would not go unpunished.

"Any questions?" Athena asked.

"No." Leonmicthelli said. "Leave it to us Athena."

"Of course." Athena happily said. "Now then, let the hunt begin." She spoke.

Getting a dark look in her eyes as she did so.

The wrath of the Athena familia was about to be released in full force.

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