
Chapter 106: Elf vs Dragon

(3rd Person: POV)

The moment Ariane drew her sword the Green Dragon didn't waste any time.

Standing to its feet it charged at her, closing the distance in an instance.

But Ariane didn't flinch in the slightest.

Keeping her calm she avoided a swipe of the green dragon's left claw and then moved to deliver a slash to its side.

Her attack connected, but her blade didn't penetrate the hide deep enough, leaving only a superficial wound.

Seeing this Ariane quickly backed off.

But the moment she did so the Green Dragon lashed out with its tail in her direction.

Jumping back, Ariane narrowly dodged the attack.

Landing, the dark-elf rushed forward and moved into the dragon's blind spot.

She then began slashing, delivering cut after cut to its body.

Roaring out in pain the Green Dragon turned to face Ariane. But she backed off the moment i did.

She then continued employing the same hit-and-run tactic.

Dealing damage to her opponent.

Still, none of her attacks were able to finish off the monster in front of her.

Seeing this Ariane decided to add in more to the mix.

Putting distance between her and the Green Dragon she prepared to chant the incantation for her magic.

Only for the Green Dragon to unleash a green breathe attack in her direction.

Reacting as fast as possible Ariane moved to dodge.

But she wasn't able to avoid the attack entirely.

Getting hit, the dragon's attack gave her burns along the left side of her body and blew her into a nearby tree.

Seeing this Millhiore got prepared to assist Ariane.

Only for Ryner to hold up and hand in front of her and shake his head. "I know it's difficult, but she can still keep going. So let's allow her too." He spoke.

Millhiore took a moment, but then she decided to back down.

Ryner gave her a curt nod in response.

Hoping he was making the right decision in the back of his mind.

Falling to her knees, Ariane used her blade for support and stood to her feet.

The Green Dragon simply staring at her as she did so, a sort of smirk on its face.

Seeing the monster mocking her Ariane ground her teeth, feeling a renewed urge to tear the beast in front of her apart.

Reaching into a pouch she kept secured at her waste she broke out a potion and threw it on her wounds.

Wincing, she ignored the slight pain as the burns healed.

Once they did she returned to the fray.

Taking her blade Ariane got in close to the Green Dragon from the front.

When she did the dragon used the same breath attack it did earlier. But this time Ariane dodged.

Even as the dragon continually launched the attack at her.

While this happened she began to chant.

{Be swallowed by the earth!}

[Sand Trap]

The moment Ariane finished chanting her spell, a giant pit of sand formed under the Green Dragon, dragging it inside.

As soon as this happened the dragon attempted to free itself.

But as it did Ariane reached it and then jumped in the air towards it face. Stabbing it straight in its left eye without any hesitation.


Releasing a horrid cry of pain the Green Dragon began thrashing about.

As it did Ariane gripped her sword and then yanked it out, landing on the ground.

Once this happened the Green Dragon unleashed its breath attack at her again.

But she rolled to the side and dodged.

Then once she did so Ariane moved into the Dragon's blind spot again.

All the while it was still digging itself out of the sand.

Moving as fast as she could Ariane jumped onto the Green Dragon and then ran up its body.

She then planted her blade right through the middle of its skull, where its magic stone was said to be located.

The moment Arianes' blade landed, the dragon's entire body stopped moving.

Then a few seconds later it turned into dust, signaling Ariane had killed it.

When this happened she put a big smile on her face.

She also fell on her ass, since the dragon's head was several meters in the air.

Even so, she still wore a smile on her face at her victory.

As did her friends.


Sitting on Athenas' bed, Ariane waited with anticipation.

After getting her wounds treated and having dinner with the others, here she was getting her status updated.

Hoping she had done enough to reach level three.

When the glow out of the corner of her eye finally died down, Ariane turned to looked at Athena who had a grin on her face.

"Congratulations, you have leveled up." Athena said.

"Yes." Ariane cried.

"Now, now calm down. I know you are excited, but there is still one more thing you need to do. Select your second developmental ability." Athena explained. "Here are the choices. Mage, chain attack, swordsmanship, and hunter."

All of them sounded good to Ariane.

Taking a moment to think she made her decision.

"Swordsmanship." She said.

"Will do." Athena said.

She then gave Ariane that developmental ability.

"Well we're done. Also you got some new magic as well." Athena said.

She then handed Ariane her status sheet.

The moment Athena did this Ariane's eyes scanned it.


Ariane Maple

Level: Two

Strength: E428>I0

Endurance: E435>I0

Dexterity: S906>I0

Agility: S918>I0

Magic: S930>I0


Sand Trap: An earth-type magic which creates pitfalls of quick sand. Size of the pitfall is proportional to how much mind is used when casting the spell.

Chant: Be swallowed by the earth.

Thorn Binding: A plant-type magic which summons forth vines which will which can be manipulated however the summoner sees fit. These vines also slowly absorb the Mind of anyone the user sees as an enemy.

Chant: Come my vines. Go forth towards my enemies and bind them, entrap them, and swallow them up until nothing remains.

Slot 3:?


One with Nature: When in combat in a forested area Ariane receives double stats in strength, endurance, and agility.

Developmental Abilities:

Abnormal Resistance: Rank H

Swordsmanship: Rank I


Seeing her new status and level, Ariane couldn't be any happier.

Now she is one step closer to her friends.

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