
Chapter 99: Stomping The Haters

Looking at the group of men surrounding me I mentally sighed.


I really don't feel like dealing with this shit. But honestly I knew this was going to happen eventually.

Especially since I want both Shakti and Riveria as my women.

Both of them are beautiful, strong, and have a huge fan base across all adventurers in Orario. Particularly within their own familias.

Some of whom I knew would turn into petty, violent thugs the moment I started courting either of them.

Once again, I expected this.

But just because I did does not mean I wanted it to happen.

It's so terribly annoying.

These people are trying to interfere in the lives of those they supposedly admire and respect, all in some self-guided attempt to protect them. But reality they just want to keep them for themselves any way they can.

It was the same way with celebrities back in my old world.

Looks like no matter where I am some things will never change.

"Hey brat, say something!"

Getting out of my thoughts I once again focused my attention on the leader of this little group.

Doing a quick analysis I'd say he's level Four, while his six allies are all level Two.

I'll admit it's an impressive group. Most adventurers or people who definitely be intimidated by this line up.

But then again I am not most people.

"Hey stop yelling, it's hurting my ears." I spoke.

As I did so a vein bulged on the head of the leader of the group.

"Little bastard." He seethed.

"Right, right." I mused. "Anyway, are you done? Because I would like to go home now." I spoke.

Taking notice of all how seven men slowly started to encircle me and close the distance between us.

"You aren't going anywhere." One of the other men shouted.

"That's right. Seems you need a lesson on how to treat your elders." Another spoke.

"And you also need to learn to keep your hands away from our leader." The group's leader said.

"Isn't that her decision though?" I asked.

"Shut up!" The leader spat at me.

As he did so some spit flew out of his mouth and I moved slightly to dodge it.

"Say it don't spray it." I said.

As I did so one of the group stifled a laugh.

Earning him a glare from the leader who's face was turning bluer by the second.

"Well this has been fun but I'll be on my way now." I said.

I then started walking and tried to move past the leader. Only for him to place his hand on my shoulder and lean in close. Putting our faces inches apart.

"I'm flattered. But I'm straighter than an arrow." I spoke.

As I did so the same guy from earlier burst out laughing.

But this time the leader ignored him.

"I'll say it once more. Stay away from Shakti." He spoke. "She doesn't need a boy like you but a real man."

"Oh, and where might those be?" I questioned. "Since all I see in front of me are a group of little boys throwing a temper tantrum."

Taking the leaders hand I threw it off me.

"Also, don't fucking touch me again without permission." I told him.

"Fucker!" He shouted, releasing spit from his mouth again.

Which I dodged once again.

"Enough of this shit, teach him a lesson boys!" The leader shouted.

His men then pulled out weapons. Daggers, shortswords, and one even put on some brass knuckles.

"You should've just done what was asked of you brat." The leader spoke. "If only you just listened like a good little boy. Now we have to do things the hard way."

"Yeah, and after we're done with you maybe we go pay those two bitches of yours some visits and show them what real men are like!" One the group shouted. A perverted grin on his face.


"Sorry. What did you say?"

"He said we might go show that masked-elf and red-headed wolf bitch you seem fond of what real man are." The leader spoke.

"I see. That's what I thought you said."

As such these sacks of shit have now forfeited their lives.

Feeling immensely calm I put a smile on my face and then reached for the hidden dagger I was carrying.

Since I never go anywhere without a weapon.

Whipping it out I sliced the group's leader right across his eyes without a moment's hesitation.


His screams music to my ears.

As he fell to his knees his comrades stood their stunned in utter silence.

But I cared not.

Instead I quickly chanted.

{Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!}

[Geo Force]

The second after I did this giant stone hands appeared from the ground and captured all my would-be attackers.

Making sure none of them could escape.

Including their leader who is literally crying tears of blood at the moment. His body restrained in the grasp of a giant stone hand.

"Fuck, I can't move!"

"Hey, why the fuck is he smiling like that?"

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I sincerely apologize!" One of them shouted.

He was the one who laughed at my jokes earlier.

And he looks truly remorseful. So I've decided he'll get off easier than the rest.

But he's not getting away unscathed.

Oh no.

None of them are.


(3rd Person: POV)

After Morax used his magic to restrain the haters he walked up to the leader, the same calm smile still on his face.

Once he closed the distance he reared back his left leg and without any hesitation kicked him in the balls with the full force his level Five status granted him.

Since when Morax fights a dude it's nuts or nothing.

"Hiii!!!!!" The leader cried.

As he did so Morax delivered another full force kick to his balls.


He then did so again.

"No. stop!"

And again.

"Please, I'm sorry!"

And again.

"No more, I beg of you!"

And again.

Morax continually kicked the leader of the hater group in the balls at full force.

Seeing this the other members of his group started sweating bullets.

Because the looks in Morax eyes told them they were going to get exactly the same treatment as their leader.

And what made it even more terrifying is that Morax is keeping a serene smile on his face despite the actions he is taking.

Like he isn't even angry at all.

But in truth Morax is very angry.

To hear both Ryuu and Rose threatened is not something he will ever forgive.

No matter who it may be.

Even if said individual was one of the gods.

He'll unleash his fury no matter the consequences.

Once Morax noticed the dead look in the leader of the group's eyes he stopped kicking in his nuts.

He then turned to his next target and approached him to give the same punishment.

Ignoring his begging and pleading for mercy as he did so.

One by one Morax delivered his nut kicking punishment to all members of the hater group.

Most of them cursing the fact they had targeted Morax in the first place.

But it's what they deserve.

Since Morax is a chad.

The natural predator of haters everywhere.

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