
Chapter 32: Taking Out Some Trash

Following Ryuu's words we moved through the dungeon since she said she heard someone crying out for help.

Arriving at the area we all heard said cry as well.

"No, stop! Get off me!" A female voice screamed.

Sharing a look we all moved to peek over the rock formation in front of us.

In doing so we found ourselves looking at a scene that made my blood boil.

Several bodies are laid about all across the ground. Blood, cuts, and other injuries upon them. One of them is even missing both their arms.

Next to them are five cloaked figures, one of whom is sitting atop a wyvern, a whip in hand. Indicating that they are a tamer.

But that's not the end of it.

Two of the cloaked figures are holding down a young girl on the ground. Working to remove her clothing, despite her struggling and crying.

It's obvious what they intend to do to her.

Too bad it's never going to happen.

That I can promise.

And I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Looking at the others out of the corner of my eyes I can see they are wearing expressions of disgust and anger.

Well all except for Ryuu.

At the moment she has a dead and cold look in her eyes, focused solely on the men in the cloaks.

Moving her hand towards her blade Ryuu intended to draw it, only for me to grab her wrist and stop her.

She turned to look at me and I shook my head. I then made a signal for everyone to quietly move back down from the rock formation.

Which they did.

As soon as we were down I let go of Ryuu's wrist.

"Too risky." I instantly told her. "If you had attacked they would've killed the girl most likely, and we are hoping to save her." I quickly explained.

Ryuu simply nodded. "Sorry." She whispered.

"No apologies necessary." I told her. Getting a cold-look in my eyes as well. "I want to kill those scum just as badly as you do, believe me."

"So then, what's the plan?" Rogue asked.

"Here it is." I said.

I then quickly gave the others the plan for saving the girl and dealing with the scum.

Once I did so we moved to put it into action.

Time to take out some trash.


(3rd Person: POV)

As the cloaked figures atop the girl continued to remove her clothing, she continued to struggle.

Getting irritated immensely one of the cloaked figures delivered a punch to the girls face, causing some blood to fly out of her mouth.

"Stop struggling!" The cloaked figure who punched the girl shouted at her.

While he did this the other cloaked figure atop the girl ripped open her shirt, revealing her bra-covered chest.

As soon as this happened the girls blood ran cold. More tears than she is already crying beginning to stream down her face.

Seeing this the two men atop her smiled with glee.

They are the worst kind of scum after all.

Since their hobby is raping woman, specifically young girls who are virgins. They enjoy feeding off their terror.

After the cloaked figure ripped open the girls shirt he moved to get his pants off.

But stopped mid-action when a rock came sailing towards his head.

Noticing this the man caught the rock, and turned his head in the direction it came from. His companions and the girl doing the same thing.

In doing so they saw Morax walking towards them.

"Yo." He said. "So, what is going on here?" He asked.

"Fuck off brat." One of the cloaked figures said. "Walk away right now and forget you ever saw us and you get to keep your life." He explained.

"I could do that." Morax mused. "But I won't. Since I hate scum who rapes little girls with a passion. So instead taking your offer, here is my counter." He began. Getting a cold look in his eyes as he did so. "Get off that girl right now, and your deaths won't be an agonizing shit show. Instead you'll go quickly. Am I making myself clear?"




"Hahaha!" One of the cloaked figures broke out in laughter.

His companions following suite.

"You kill us, nice one you fucking brat!" One of the cloaked figures roared in between laughs.

"Stop joking around!" Another of the cloaked figures said in between laughs.

"Don't try and be some kind of hero." One of the cloaked figures spoke.

But despite their laughter Morax's expression didn't change. "You know heroes aren't so bad." He said.

As soon as he did so the cloaked figures stopped laughing and looked at him once more.

"However being a regular hero definitely isn't for me." Morax spoke. "Instead I will be an anti-hero. Which means I will do whatever is necessary to kill the villain in front of me. No matter how dishonorable it might be." He explained to the cloaked figures. "Like distracting the enemy with a conversation as my allies move into position to execute you all and end your worthless lives."

As soon as Morax finished speaking he grinned like the devil.

A second after he did so a sonic blast struck the Wyvern one of the cloaked figures was sitting on, from behind as well as several bolts of lighting.

Courtesy of Millhiore and Ryner.


Screaming out in pain both the cloaked figure and his tamed Wyvern were dying in agony.

As this happened several daggers raced toward the other cloaked figures, some striking each of them.



It hurts!"

The cloaked figures cried out.

But Morax didn't give a shit about their cries at all and ignored them. Instead he started chanting his magic.

{Ground that we walk upon, heed my command and come forth!}

[Geo Force]

Casting his spell a magic circle appeared under the girl lying on the ground. Then a second after it did so several earth spikes shot up around her body.

But none of them touched her.

Instead they formed a protective shield of sorts around her.

Which worked like a charm.

Since the nearby two cloaked figures got skewered in several places on their bodies.

The moment this happened Morax raised his left hand, and then caught his spear which was thrown to him by Rogue.

As soon as Morax had his weapon he aimed it towards the cloaked figure who ripped off the girls shirt and threw it, his attack landing straight in the man's throat.

Blood spewed from his wound and he moved to pull the spear out.

But before he could Ryuu appeared and swung her sword, severing the figures hands from his body.

As this happened Gaul and Leonimitchelli quickly moved in and dealt with the other two cloaked figures. While Rogue sneaked up on the last one and used his katana to sever his head from his body.

In an instant the body was over.

Once it was Morax moved to retrieve his spear.

He then took some water from his bag and washed off his weapon. Hoping the stink of such filthy blood wouldn't remain.

As he did so the others made sure all the enemies were dead and then helped the girl.

They also checked to see if any of her companions were alive, but they weren't.

She is the only survivor from her party.

Once Morax cleaned off his weapon he looked at the girl who he saved.

In doing so he instantly recognized who she was.

Ardi Varma.

Younger sister of Shakti Varma.

To say he is surprised is an understatement.


(Morax: POV)

As soon as Ardi was safe and covered with a cloak, courtesy of Ryuu, she started to cry.

"Thank you, thank you all." She said in between sobs.

As she did so we simply listened. Not saying a word.

Ten minutes passed before Ardi stopped crying. The moment she did so we sat her down.

I then sat down in front of her, while the others secured the perimeter. Since we don't know if those cloaked shit-bags have any friends in the area.

"Am, my name is Morax Lapis, and you are?" I asked Ardi. Despite already knowing her name.

"Ardi Varma." She told me.

"Right." I said. "So then Ardi, do you mind telling me what happened before we arrived?"

"Sure." Ardi said.

She then re-counted her tale to me.

Ardi was on her way down to Rivira with some other level two's from her familia, to farm some excelia for the next week or so in preparation for leveling up. Which all of them were close to doing.

However just after they defeated a horde of over 50 Almarij they were ambushed by the cloaked assholes, who are apparently affiliated with Evilus.

Being taken my surprise they didn't stand a chance, and before Ardi knew it all of her comrades were dead.

As to the reason she was left alive.

It seems those Evilus pieces of shit wanted to give her big sister Shakti a "nice surprise" by impregnating her with a rape baby.

Upon hearing that my anger spiked even more than before.

Now I wish I could've made those bastards suffer for real.

Once Ardi told me this her story was done.

"Thank you." I told her.

As I did so she simply nodded.

Once she did I moved over to the others and told them what Ardi told me.

"Scum." Ryuu said.

"Yes, they were." I said. "But they are dead now. So let's focus on what really matters right now." I said. "Do we continue onward to Rivira or head back up? Opinions?"

"I say we continue down." Ryner spoke up. "We have no idea if more Evilus members are crawling around on this floor. And if they are we have no idea how powerful they might be compared to the ones we just took out. Going back up will take a few days, and we will also have to protect Ardi while doing so since she's definitely in no condition to fight. That's why I think heading to Rivira is our best option. There we can get the assistance of other adventurers." He explained.

"I am of the same opinion." Rogue said.

"Yes, going down now is much easier." Ryuu said. "Also, even if someone does being to chase us if we make it to floor eighteen before the Goliath respawns we will have its protection."

"Down." Gaul said.

"Yes, we go deeper." Leonmitchelli said.

"I agree with the others." Millhiore said.

"So it's decided then." I said.

Down we go.

Once we came to a decision I moved her to Ardi and explained our plan.

"So, what do you think?" I asked her after I was done explaining things.

"Yes, let's do that." Ardi said. "But first I need you all to collect some things from my comrades...corpses." She managed to say.

"What do you need us to get?" I asked her.

"Each of us in the Ganesha familia carries a letter with us whenever we enter into the dungeon. That way if we die and other adventurers find us but don't have the option to take our bodies back to the surface with them those letters are our final words to our loved ones and everyone else." Ardi explained.

"Understood." I told her. "We will get them." I told her.

After I did so I told the others about the letters and we went about retrieving them, making sure to not disturb the bodies of Ardi's comrades too much.

Once we got what we were looking for we secured our belongings and Ardi, and left the area.

Me once again, realizing just how cruel this world can be for some.

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