
Buy as much as you can

Meanwhile at the Willson Mansion,

A servant was standing outside a big wooden door holding a tray full of food items that would make you crave at its sight.

"Young Master, please open the door and have your breakfast, it's getting cold." That servant said as he knocked at Harris door but no answer came out.


"Young Master....if you won't come out then I would get scolded...due you want that to happen?" He asked while making a sad face and just with those pitiful words the door opens revealing a Harris with messy head and crimpled clothes.


"Give me the plate and next time don't call me out just leave the plate there." He said and closed the door again.

"Okay---*sigh* but if I leave them there would you really eat it up?" He mumbled while friends and leaving his doorsteps with a tried face.


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