

As the door opened, Madam was standing there wearing a dark blue set of coats and long skirts and a hat with feathers attached to them along with a red pendant with golden strings and her curly grey hair matching well with her wrinkle skin. 

Along with her, about 10 palace maids stood there with a piece of clothing in their hands.


"Greeting to Madam." All of the ladies said as they bowed elegantly just the way they were taught to during the past few days of training.

"Looks like all the ladies have learnt quite a lot from the past few days of training and....*Scans each one for them from bead to toe* I must say despite the difficulties you all look absolutely lovely.", Madam said as she smiled with her eyes.


Learning that compliment from her meant a lot to the ladies, and now that she approved of their looks what others said didn't bother them at all.


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