

After an hour of flying qrow finally stopped on a very high very cold mountain as he turned back into a human as I reformed

"explain now" he said as I told him everything from start finish

"huh so you killed her..... Good we don't need someone with a power that can find silver eyed warriors so easily, but you really don't need to hold yourself back too much and while I do think it's a good idea to start acting you age, like seriously ruby other then the cheats you have, this will help you get some friends "

"huh humans are creatures that are prone to back stabbing so making friends is a waste of time uncle qrow" I said as he just sighed

"huh whatever let's go I have things to do, oh and what is this I heard of you getting suspended"

"the idiot principle, said my baby was to dangerous and wanted to take it but I refused and got suspended" I said as I showed him my news baby as he looked at it for a second then took a sip from his flask

"yeah I agree with him, this new weapon of yours is on or higher level than those guns and I've seen what those guns can do and knowing you this thing can probably do some crazy things, like I don't know rip through grimm in one hit or catch on fire that increases its damage or or fuse with your guns to make a super gun that fires a beam of energy like in that comic book you read "


"oh for Oum sake ruby, what are you trying to do fight a God or something" he said 'well not a go but two bitch with magic'

"well I have silver eye and there are people who are hurting me so yeah I'm take every and any advantage I have" I said as I placed my baby on my back

"huh I guess you're right but you do know that I will be increasing your training"

"wait what do you mean increase?" I asked qrow as he simply looked at me and began to laugh 'this is bad so bad' I thought

(cannon begins)

'huh why didn't they give a date on when cannon began I've been coming here for the past 2 months..... Huh nope this isn't worth it I'll as qrow to put me in the school or I'll just blitz through school because all I need to do is get in right? ' I thought as I placed the magazine down and walked out but as I was leaving I bump into someone as they fell over as I simply looked at them to see a guy about yangs age with a large but not to large build as he looked up at me in shock 'I just met him and I already hate him.... Weird'

"ruby" he whispered 'there is no way this asshole knows my name unless' I thought but really didn't care as I walk over him and went to a roof top over looking the store as the kid went into the store as he went to the back and began looking around and e'ery few minutes he looked out side

'huh so it is today hmmmm wish I stayed inside' I thought as I took out my scroll and began to play my remade angry birds game I made along with a few others but mid game I was interpreted

As I looked at the source to see the boy fighting Roman Torchwick goons with the man standing there as the kid was kicking ass so Roman just snapped his fingers once the kid had beaten all the goon as I could feel more coming in

"you're good kid, best I've seen in years but play times over" he said as 50 more goons came out as they slowly surrounded the kid 'huh if I know one thing about this world its that goons that match are weak, those with cool, flashy colorful clothes are the problem, but let's see what he can do he was using hand to hand the whole time with the others let's see what he has' I thought as the kid unfold a spear from his back as the goons began to change him and weirdly enough he didn't lose immediately no he took down six before some invincible chick kicked him after that he was fucked and now his getting stomped out

"I should help him?"I said as I thought about it

"yeah I should" I said as I blasted into the sky as a sworn of roses as I reformed in the air

"however said video-games rot the mine was a bitch" I said as twisted my body as I began to spin violently as I moved at high speed aimed at the group

(Roman POV)

'what is this feeling, it's almost like death is approaching me' I thought as I looked around then something told to look up then i saw it a clarster of roses falling extremely fast aimed at the group

"no no no no move all of you move!" I shouted but it fall on deaf ears


As I was thrown into the side by the force of the impact as I smashed into the wall but than

thanks to aura I was able to get out almost unharmed as I looked around to see all my men where thrown into buildings, car and some where on the floor bleeding heavily as roses blow around as I looked at the crash site to see the kid was doing fine but that wasn't the problem no it was the enormous hole that was around him

"what hit us" I asked as I grabbed my hair

"that would be me" a voice said as I looked around in a panic as the roses began to move to the point of impact as the formed a powerful twister of roses and then boom the roses exploded and a little goth girl was standing there and I don't know why but she had the same air around her as Neo but this one had power, hate and wasn't on my side, bad news for me so I began to move back slowly as she looked at me smiled turned around and went to the kid

"get up I know you're aren't hurt" she said to the kid as the kid got up without even a scratch on him 'what are these monsters, no I need to get away fighting the kid would have been hard but with Red I'm done for' I thought as I took out a red dust crystal and throw it at them and shoot it immediately and ran away

"pick up now!" I shouted into my scroll as I climbed up a ladder but had to dodge to the side as an object impact the side of the wall and ladder completely destroy them as I looked at what it was I saw a red giant scythe that looked like it was made in the depth of hell as it was connected to a chain as the chain pulled it was rip out of the wall and I just hald ass to get to the top

(Mc POV)

'this idiot really tried bomb me asshole but I really can't complain, I'm op so not skin off my back' I thought as I catch my scythe and balanced it on my shoulder and walked out the smoke 'so cinder is here to and now Roman is on the roof, hmmm there's miss goodwitch looks like Oz told her to come help whatever' I thought as I ran then turned into roses as I followed the Roman with the kid on my tail since I wasn't really using super speed just the wind

As we got to the to I took out Dominate placed her on stun and shot but Roman was able to block

"you going to have to try harder then that red" he said as he laughed and jumped of as I nodded flash stepped to where he jumped to of Sever place her on stun but she made holes not deep but holes as I aimed at Roman as he was falling and began to shoot him get him every time as he fall into the darkness but I could still feel him getting up a crawling to the ship

As they took off I moved a few feet from the lag took both my guns and tapped them together

[systems back online] a voice said and no its not an AI but simply a pre-recorded voice I installed for different modes for these babies as I placed them on my back as I took out my scythe as it began heating up and the ship came into view with Roman at the door bleeding heavily

"end of the road kids" he said as he took out a dust crystal that was vibrating for some reason as he thow it I took a closer look as time slowed 'this dick just throw unstable dust at us and this one looks like that mixed one that they use to use in mines before they realized it was stupid and too dangerous for use because it would exploded randomly and the blasts where to strong and by the size of the crystal the blast should effect..... Yeah too many would die if that hit' I thought as I lowered my scythe and spun it around as he was about to shoot the crystal it was snatched away mid air by my scythe as I throw that shit far into the sky as I took out Sever and shoot it as it created a large explosion as I just sighed and braced myself for the Shockwave but it never came as I looked to see a purple circle in front of us as I looked to my side

To see miss goodwitch is all her sexyness

'huh thats a thought I haven't had in a while must be time' I said as I was thrown to the back as I did a flip and landed on my feet with my hands in my pockets

"nevermide she's a bitch" I said as I looked at the she as the kid was helping goodwitch, it was kinda like cannon but without me

"well we can't let this go on, now can we" I said as I made a mad dash to the fight as goodwitch was about to use her powers on me again I dodged them 'she has the ability cover objects in aura and freely move them but if you can see or feel it you can dodge it' as I took out Crescent Rose and began to spine her as fast as I could by the chain as it turned red hot 'about time I've been waiting for you' I said still running as I was now dodging goodwitch attempts at throwing me back and cinders fire balls since I was moving way to close but there was nothing they could do to stop me

As I was almost to the edge I stopped and used the moment of the scythe to spine me around

"TAKE THIS" I shouted releasing my scythe as it flew full speed towards the pilot but it was off as it missed

"idiot" "what was she thinking" was something I heard from behind me but I blocked it as they where nothing more then ants as I pulled on the chain causing it to come back and another move made it move sideways in the direction of the ship

"shit" Roman said as he saw a giant red burning scythe heading his was as he was forced to move the ship as he did, the scythe dag into the side of the ship making a large slash but he was able to move far enough to not case any serious damage, but my baby was still moving strong as it got to the opening where cinder was as she tried to blasted it away the scythe exploded, an explosion that covered most of the ship as I pulled my scythe back from the smoke cloud

'there are still alive and that girl took one to the face, but her aura is all gone so she can't take a second hit like that' I said catching my scythe as she was still okay

"thank you qrow for this hard as shit metal" I said as I bowed to him were ever he is cause he left a few months ago on a mission and I haven't seen him since

"what was that and where did you get it" a voice from behind said but I payed it no mind as I was looking at the cloud as it slowly disappeared to show the ship but a big chank of the side was missing but the ship was still flying away as I took out Sever

"this is for trying to blow me up" I said as I fired as I saw the bullet go through the back and hit Roman in the shoulder 'killing him would be easier but I need him for a few things in the future' I thought as I yawned as I began to walk away

"and where do you think your going" a voice said as I looked behind me to see the kid as I blinked looked at his hand saw it on my shoulder grabbed it slowly moved it away from me and continued walked

"we are not done her young lady" a second voice said as I looked behind me as my eyes began to glow and my darkness flared for a second but it disappeared within seconds but it was enough

"you have 30 minutes no more no less, I've got things to do and" I said as I looked her then the kid in the eye as he took a step back

"do not touch me without my permission, I may be a kind person but I will rip your arm of" I said as the kid and I where taken to the police station

"weapons" the officer said as he looked ar my scythe that on my back

"no" I said as I turned around 'there's a new character now so getting into beacon is not a must anymore'

"young lady you will-" I cut goodwitch off

"no" as I walked away

"wait hmmmm you may keep you weapons" goodwitch said as I looked at her and began to walk towards to a integration room as I sat in one of the chairs with the kid still wearing his hoodie as I looked at him but decided he was a waste of time so I ignored him as good witch walked in

"I hope you realize the seriousness of you situation young lady"

"excuse me, maybe it's because there was to much going on but I think there was two of us no just me" I said pointing at the kid

"that may be true but he was train by one of the greatest in the world and you-"

"oh shit really you where trained by the best" I said with stars in my eyes

"well it true I was and I learned everything they had to offer I was told that I am the greatest in my age group and would go to be the greatest hunter to ever live" he said this with such pride forgetting he was getting the shit kicked out of him a second age

"HEHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA" as a giggle turned into a loud laugh with out me stopping for a good minute

"hehehe oh sorry it just this coming from someone who got taken down by weakling and had to be saved by me, but I guess it wasn't you fault no the people who trained you are to blame, not you, you poor creature those that trained you are" I said as I leaned on the table with a smile on my face exposing my k9 as I could see and feel he's and goodwitchs anger rising and a very amused old man behind the the one sided mirror

"enough usual you would sent home with a pat on the back" she paused as I just looked at her with a bored look "and a slap on the wrist" she fin as she smack her whip thing on the table as the kid jumped as I looked at her with the same look and turned to the kid

"but it isn't, is it lady" I said as Oz got up

"no it is not" he said as he walked into the room with a plate with cookies as he shut goodwitch up and he sat down and placed the plate on the table as I moved my hand took one and then all of them were gone as I was chowing

"what just happened" the kid said 'huh nuh you just slow'

"fast" goodwitch said as I laughed a little 'she's also slow but she has power but it's nothing since she can't do jack to me'

"well that was something you don't see every day" he said as he was able to follow me with the first five but once I increased my speed he didn't have a chance 'if I'm to kill him I need to know what his got but his speed is a few steps slower the qrow huh yeah I can beat him if I use all and every weapon I have'

"huh that doesn't matter you called us here for a reason may I ask why" I asked as he looked at me and laughed a little

"oh you are quite different from you file but ruby rose you have silver eye and a red one"

"yes" I said as he looked shocked along with the others in the room

"I see and why is a scary little girl like yourself doing with such a dangerous weapon such as this one" he said as he pointed at my weapon and showed me a video of me using the explosion mode

"huh our job is to hunting and kill monsters, yeah I think people are idiots for not making dangerous weapons and only sticking with there boring weapons the can even break the skin of larger grimm, tch bowstaff.. idiots" I said as he just laughed

"I see, and who was the one who taught you how to do this" he said as it showed a video of me catching the dust and ripping a hole in the side of the ship

"huh I was taught by my uncle but all my moves are instinct" I said truthful as goodwitch was shocked and Oz just nodded

"that would explain your high skills, and I've got to admit your skills are impressive to be able to change the trajectory of the scythe mid air with in seconds so easily you are a really prodigy aren't you"

"not really, I'm just someone who has train most of there lives to reach this level" I said as I really hated that word Prodigy it like people disregard all you work and say you are a Prodigy that's why you're so good, 0fucking assholes

"oh I see well then let us get to you Onyx" Oz said as I decided it was time to listen to music until I am need because I really don't care and after a few minutes I saw Oz look at me as I nodded

"ruby roses while I've already asked Onyx this I'll ask you do you know who I am"

"Ozpin the head of beacon Academy" I said as he smiled

"nice to meet you"

"like wise" I said as I smile

"so miss Rose how would you like to go to my school with your skills you may be top of you year, if you tried that is" he said as I could see goodwitch and the one next to me get shocked as I nodded

"it should be fun, I'm tired of all the mods in my school a new challenge is what I need" I said as I got up

"oh and before you leave, what is your motivation for being a hunter" he asked as I stopped by the door

"I order to save others you must be able to save yourself, and if I'm the best I would be able to save others, to help ,one needs power or they are nothing but burdensome" I said as he nodded as I left the room and walked out the room with the kid behind my

(Ozpin POV)

"what an interesting child" I said as everything about her screamed danger, she may have looked relaxed but I could see that she was ready for an attack

"I don't understand why you allowed that child into the school she would be nothing but a burden to the others"

"huh miss goodwitch, while I do appreciate you input I would enjoy it more if you did not place any emotional attachments onto this" I said as I looked at her as she looked away

"I have no clue on what you are-"

"huh Glynda, I am a lot of things and a lie is one of them and this skill gives me the high ability to detract bullshit as the kids call it, and in the few minutes I've seen you interact with the two of them I realized that you may be in a relationship with one Mr Onyx am I correct "


"good know miss rose is a very very very skilled hunter, with qrow himself telling me she is skilled and it would take a few years for her to reach or exceed his level of skill and he has asked me if I would be willing to allow her into my school as you also asked me to allow the boy into the school, even tho he has not entered any hunter academy in his life so he will be your responsibility to make sure he is caught up" I said as I looked at her as she looked away

"you have no problem with me dating a student"

"non just insure that you teach and treat everyone equally cause I will be watching Glynda and you know how much I adore my studies as a whole" I said as I walked out the room 'this truly is going to be a interesting year, oh I should inform qrow of the good news' I thought as I called qrow

[Oz what's up]

"oh qrow how good to hear you I take it alls well on your mission" I asked as I could hear creatures dieing

[yeah the mission was a success but it seems that there nest was holding a lot more grim then I had hoped but there nothing I can't handle so why have you called]

"oh its about your niece"

[the blonde or the red]

"the red one"

[oh what happened, did she kill someone by mistake]

"no but she did cripple 10, heavily injured 35,5 are in comes and 5 more have lost there limbs oh and thus is the report from the hospital and 100 000 worth of property damage" I said as i relayed what I was told a few minutes ago and I got to admit she did this in one move

[huh did she do that rose bomb of hers]

"I do not know what that is but what she did was jump into the sky then turned into a sworm of roses and smacked in it the ground"

[huh shes gets good at that but I did ask her to only use that move if she was in danger and she refused saying that holding back gets you kill, but enough Oz why did you really call me]

"ah yes I have allowed her in my school but it seems that there is a unequal number of students"

[oh well make her an add on to one or two teams and a solo player this should give her some freedom to grow]

"huh that may be a problem"

[huh don't worry ruby can work all fronts]

"huh I'll see what I can do" I said as I hang up and walked to my own personal airship 'silver eyed warrior with a red eye that reminds me of that woman but unlike that woman ruby is still one of the silver eyed warriors and just because of that it makes her trustworthy in my book' i thought taking a sip of my coffee

(unknown location)

"that brat once I get my hand on her I will make her wish she was never born, I will destroy everything she love and make her watch" cinder said as she walked out my office still injured as neo walked in

"huh well hello the neo how was your mission" I asked as I looked at her in pain as she gave me a thumbs up and then looked at me

"oh this, yeah I came face to face with a monster of a little girl that kicked my ass and decided to let me go don't know why tho" I said as I had banged all over my body

"oh and she took down all the new man we hired with zero to no effort" I said as I was a little scared of the little girl and the look in her eyes

"try to avoid her if you can because my gut is telling me that she is nothing but bad new" I told Neo just in case she feels the need to go after the girl

(ruby POV)

I was walking to where I left yang only to see a run down night club 'huh I know she did this in the show but does she realize that these idiots are only kept away because of me, that I have to come to every club to pay for damages or if they don't accept use forces huh let's go in' I said as I walked through the wall as yang was walking out

"find out who that girl is I want to know every single thing about her, I want to make her feel pain before I end her myself"

"that won't be necessary" I said as I came out of the shadows with my darkness out

"you see that girl is my sister who I hold real dear to my heart and any harm towards her is we let's just say it doesn't end well for anyone, so here's what's going to happen, I will pay you for all damages and that will be all is that understood" I said push more darkness out as the room got worse as some of them passed out and others where face first to the ground

"YES YES YES WE UNDERSTAND JUST STOP" Junior said as the pressure disappeared as I gave him the money to fix this place up and left and met up with yang

"yang what are you doing here" I asked her with a confused look

"it's a long story"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Huh this took a while and yes I know there where spelling mistakes but so is life anyway

Yes there's is another world traveler but his just someone to replace ruby so I don't have to change to much of cannon

There is also going to be some changes in the world because honestly I made her to strong but that will come later on

Oh and oc description will be lack so use your imagination our send me pictures and I'll pick the best one

But all in all thank you all for you support and comments

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